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Why are my background videos not loading on published sites in Webflow?
Published on
September 22, 2023
There could be several reasons why your background videos are not loading on published sites in Webflow. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue:
- Video format compatibility: Ensure that your video files are in a compatible format, such as MP4, WebM, or Ogg. Different browsers may support different video formats, so it's important to have your video in multiple formats to maximize compatibility.
- File size and optimization: Large video files may take longer to load, especially if your website visitors have a slow internet connection. Consider compressing your videos using video compression tools or optimizing them for web playback using tools like Handbrake or Adobe Media Encoder.
- Slow internet connection: If your website visitors have a slow internet connection, it may take longer for the video to load. Consider reducing the file size or implementing optimization techniques like lazy loading, which allows the video to load only when it is in the viewport.
- Webflow site hosting limitations: If you're using Webflow's hosting service, there are some limitations on video file sizes. Currently, the maximum file size for video uploads in Webflow is 100MB. If your video exceeds this limit, you may need to use an external video hosting service like YouTube or Vimeo and embed the video on your Webflow site.
- Browser compatibility: Different web browsers may have different video playback support and settings. Make sure you test your background videos on different browsers to identify any browser-specific issues. Also, check if you have updated your browser to the latest version, as older versions may not support some video features.
These troubleshooting steps should help you identify and resolve the issue with your background videos not loading on published sites in Webflow. It's important to test your site on different devices and browsers to ensure optimal video playback for all visitors.
Additional Questions:
- How can I optimize my Webflow site for video playback?
- What are the best practices for using background videos in Webflow?
- Are there any limitations on video file size in Webflow's hosting service?