In Webflow, how can I ensure that column breaks in a Resources Collection List occur between Collection List Items and not in the middle of a Collection Item?
To ensure that column breaks in a Resources Collection List occur between Collection List Items and not in the middle of a Collection Item in Webflow, you can follow these steps:
Select the Collection List element: Identify the Collection List element on your page and select it. This element is usually used to display a list of Collection Items.
Set the Display property of the Collection List element: In the Styles panel on the right-hand side, locate the Display property. By default, it should be set to "Block". Change it to "Flex".
Adjust flex-wrap property: With the Collection List element selected, scroll down to the Flex settings in the Styles panel. Locate the flex-wrap property and set it to "wrap".
Customize item width: Determine the width you want each Collection Item to occupy within a column. You can set a specific width in pixels or a percentage value. Adjust this width by selecting each Collection Item inside the Collection List and modifying its width property.
Assign a class to the Collection List Item: In order to target the Collection List Items individually, you should assign a unique class to each one. You can do this by selecting a Collection Item, going to the Settings panel on the right-hand side, and adding a class name to the "Class" field.
Adjust the flex-basis property: With a Collection List Item selected, go to the Styles panel and locate the flex-basis property. This property determines the initial size of the Collection Item before any remaining space is distributed. Set the flex-basis value to "auto".
Manage breakpoints: Webflow allows you to define different layouts for different devices and screen sizes. Make sure to test your layout at various breakpoints and adjust the item width and flex-basis properties accordingly to maintain the desired column breaks between Collection List Items.
By following these steps, you can ensure that column breaks in a Resources Collection List occur between Collection List Items and not in the middle of a Collection Item.
Additional Questions:
- How do I change the layout of a Collection List in Webflow?
- Can I have different column widths for different breakpoints in a Collection List?
- What other properties can I customize in a Collection List using Webflow?