What could be the reason for receiving a "Field not described in schema" error when making a POST request to create a live item in Webflow CMS?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When making a POST request to create a live item in Webflow CMS, the error message "Field not described in schema" typically means that you are trying to submit data for a field that does not exist or is not properly configured in the schema of your Webflow CMS collection.

Here are some possible reasons why you may be receiving this error and how to troubleshoot it:

  1. Incorrect Field Name:
  • Double-check the field name you are trying to submit in your POST request. Make sure it matches the exact field name defined in the Webflow CMS collection.
  • Field names are case-sensitive, so ensure they match correctly.
  1. Missing or Extra Fields:
  • Review the schema of your Webflow CMS collection to ensure that the field you are trying to submit is defined.
  • You may have missed adding the field to the schema or removed it accidentally.
  1. Incorrect Field Type:
  • Verify that the field type in the collection matches the type of data you are trying to submit in your POST request.
  • For example, if you are trying to submit a number but the field type is set as text, you will receive this error.
  1. Permissions:
  • Check the permissions for the CMS collection, as you may not have the necessary write permissions to create live items in the collection.
  • Make sure your API key has the appropriate permissions to create items in the collection.
  1. API Version:
  • If you are using an outdated version of the Webflow CMS API, it's possible that the field you are trying to submit was added after that version.
  • Update your API version to the latest one to ensure that you can access all the fields in your collection.
  1. Cache Refresh:
  • Webflow CMS uses caching to improve performance, so it's possible that the schema changes you made have not been updated in the cache yet.
  • Try clearing the cache or waiting for some time before attempting the POST request again.

To summarize, receiving a "Field not described in schema" error when making a POST request to create a live item in Webflow CMS is usually due to a mismatch between the field you are trying to submit and the schema of your collection. Double-checking field names, ensuring correct field types, reviewing permissions, updating API versions, refreshing the cache, and ensuring all necessary fields are defined in the schema can help resolve this issue.

Additional Questions:

  1. What are the common field types in Webflow CMS?
  2. How can I check the schema of a Webflow CMS collection?
  3. How do I update the API version in Webflow CMS?