Is there a known issue with the new Flexbox Intro page in Internet Explorer and is there any code that can be inserted to fix it?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Known issue with the new Flexbox Intro page in Internet Explorer

Webflow's Flexbox Intro page may have some issues when viewed in Internet Explorer. This is due to the fact that Internet Explorer has limited support for the newer features and functions of CSS, including flexbox.

Code to fix the issue

While there is no specific code that can be inserted to fix the issue within Webflow, there are a few workarounds that you can try:

  1. Use a Polyfill : A polyfill is a piece of code that provides support for a feature that is not natively supported by the browser. There are a number of polyfills available for flexbox that can be used to add support for Internet Explorer. One popular polyfill is Flexibility , which allows you to write modern CSS syntax and have it work in older browsers like Internet Explorer.

  2. Use CSS Grid instead of Flexbox : If the design and layout of your website allows for it, you can consider using CSS Grid instead of flexbox. CSS Grid has better support in older browsers, including Internet Explorer. You will need to modify your layout and styles to work with CSS Grid, but it can be a viable solution if flexbox is causing issues in Internet Explorer.

  3. Provide a fallback layout : Another option is to provide a fallback layout for browsers that do not support flexbox. This can be done by using media queries to override the flexbox styles with an alternative layout using standard CSS properties such as floats or positioning. This will ensure that your website is still usable and visually appealing in Internet Explorer, although it may not have the same level of responsiveness and flexibility as the flexbox layout.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I check if my website is compatible with Internet Explorer?
  2. Are there any other CSS features that have limited support in Internet Explorer?
  3. Can I use JavaScript to fix flexbox issues in Internet Explorer?