Can you change the color of the strike-through effect on text in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can change the color of the strike-through effect on text in Webflow by following these steps:

  1. Select the element containing the text you want to apply the strike-through effect to.
  2. In the Styles panel on the right-hand side of the Webflow interface, scroll down to the Text section.
  3. Click on the underlined "A" icon to access the text decorations options.
  4. In the text decorations options, you will see a checkbox labeled "Strike through." Check this box to apply the strike-through effect.
  5. Below the checkbox, you will find a color picker. Click on the color picker to open the color palette.
  6. Choose your desired color from the palette or enter the hexadecimal code for the color you want to use.
  7. As you select or enter a color, you will see the strike-through effect update in real-time on the selected text.

That's it! You have successfully changed the color of the strike-through effect on text in Webflow.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I remove the strike-through effect from text in Webflow?
  2. Can I apply different colors to different words within the same text element in Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to animate the strike-through effect in Webflow?