How do I solve the issue with a multi-reference collection nested within another collection that works in preview but not on the live website?

Published on
September 22, 2023

If you are experiencing issues with a multi-reference collection nested within another collection that works in preview mode but not on the live website, there are several potential solutions you can try:

  1. Check collection and field settings:
  • Make sure that the multi-reference field is properly set up and connected to the correct collection.
  • Verify that the field is set to allow multiple references if you intend to have multiple items linked.
  • Confirm that the nested collection has been properly connected to the parent collection.
  • Ensure that both collections are published and have the necessary permissions for linking.
  1. Check page settings:
  • In the live website settings, make sure that the collection page is properly connected to the nested collection.
  • Verify that the corresponding dynamic list or reference list on the collection page is set up correctly and pulling in the necessary data.
  • Double-check the visibility settings of the nested collection items and ensure they are visible on the live website.
  1. Republish the site:
  • Sometimes, issues can be resolved by republishing the entire website. This can help to ensure that any recent changes or updates are properly reflected on the live site.
  1. Check for conflicting custom code:
  • If you have added any custom code to your website, it's possible that it may be conflicting with the functionality of the nested multi-reference collection. Try removing any custom code temporarily and see if the issue persists. If the problem is resolved, you can then review and modify the custom code as needed.
  1. Clear browser cache:
  • Clearing the browser cache can help to ensure that you are viewing the most up-to-date version of your live website. Sometimes, cached versions of the site can cause issues with dynamic content like multi-reference collections.

If none of the above solutions resolves the issue, it may be helpful to reach out to Webflow support for further assistance. They can provide personalized guidance and help troubleshoot the specific problem you are facing.

Additional questions:

  1. How can I troubleshoot issues with dynamic content in Webflow?
  2. What are the common issues with nested collections in Webflow?
  3. How do I set up a multi-reference collection in Webflow?