How can I make the title appear/disappear on an Episode CMS Collection page based on whether or not a book is connected to the guest?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To make the title appear or disappear on an Episode CMS Collection page based on whether or not a book is connected to the guest, you can follow these steps in Webflow:

  1. First, make sure you have both the Episode and Book collections set up in your Webflow project.

  2. Go to your Episode CMS Collection page and open the page editor.

  3. Place a dynamic list element on your page where you want the title to appear or disappear.

  4. Connect the dynamic list to your Episode CMS Collection.

  5. Inside the dynamic list, add a heading element to display the episode title.

  6. Select the heading element and go to the Settings panel on the right-hand side.

  7. Click on the "Add conditional visibility" button.

  8. In the conditional visibility settings, choose the field that connects the Guest to the Book in the Episode collection. This could be a reference field linking to the Book collection.

  9. Select the condition that determines whether the title should appear or disappear. For example, if the Guest field is empty or not connected to a Book, you can set the condition to "If Guest doesn't have a Book".

  10. Save the conditional visibility settings and publish your site.

Now, when you add an episode to the CMS collection, the title will only appear if the Guest is connected to a Book. If the Guest field is empty or not associated with a Book, the title will be hidden.

By implementing conditional visibility for the title, you can create a dynamic and personalized experience for viewers based on the presence of a book connection.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I create a dynamic list in Webflow?
  2. Can I use conditional visibility for other elements besides headings?
  3. Are there any limitations to using conditional visibility in Webflow?