How can conditional visibility be enabled on a Webflow form based on a value selected from a drop-down?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To enable conditional visibility on a Webflow form based on a value selected from a drop-down, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a dropdown field: Firstly, make sure you have a dropdown field in your form where users can select different values. You can create this dropdown field by adding a Select element to your form using the Webflow Designer.

  2. Set up the conditional visibility: After adding the dropdown field, select the element or elements that you want to conditionally show or hide based on the selected dropdown value. In the Style panel, click on the "Display" property, and choose the "None" option to initially hide these elements.

  3. Add an interaction: To trigger the conditional visibility based on the dropdown selection, you need to set up an interaction. Start by selecting the dropdown element and going to the Interactions panel in the Designer.

  4. Set the trigger: Within the Interactions panel, click on the "+" icon to add a new interaction. Choose the trigger type based on your preference, such as a "Dropdown Change" or "Form Submission" trigger.

  5. Specify the conditions: Once you've set the trigger, you need to specify the conditions for showing or hiding the desired elements. In this case, select the elements you want to conditionally display and choose the "Hide/Show" action.

  6. Define the condition: In the action settings, select the condition that matches the value of the dropdown when you want the element to be displayed. For example, if you want to show an element when a specific value is selected, set the condition to "Select Value" equal to the chosen option.

  7. Preview and test: After configuring the interaction, save your changes and preview the form to see the conditional visibility in action. Test different dropdown selections to ensure the elements are showing or hiding accordingly.

By following these steps, you can easily enable conditional visibility on a Webflow form based on a value selected from a drop-down. This functionality can help you customize user experiences and show or hide form elements dynamically based on user selections.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I create a dropdown field in Webflow forms?
  2. Can I add multiple conditions for conditional visibility in Webflow?
  3. Does Webflow allow conditional visibility for other elements besides forms?