How can I have a button click carry data to a form across pages in Webflow, specifically to select the appropriate form checkbox based on the button clicked on a product page?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To have a button click carry data to a form across pages in Webflow, you can use the combination of custom code and Webflow's interactions. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve this:

  1. Create a product template page: Start by creating a product template page in Webflow where you'll display the product details and the associated form.

  2. Set up the product page and form structure: On the product template page, design the layout displaying your product details. Below or adjacent to the product details, add a form with checkboxes for the user's selections.

  3. Assign unique identifiers to buttons and checkboxes: Give unique identifiers to each button representing a product variation and the corresponding checkbox in the form. You can use the same class for all the buttons and checkboxes, but add individual custom attributes to distinguish them.

  4. Use interactions to capture button clicks: In the Designer, select the buttons and go to the Interactions panel. Create a "Click" interaction for each button. In each interaction, add a "Set Attribute" action to capture the button's unique identifier value. Use a custom attribute like data-selection for this purpose. Set this attribute's value to the identifier of the checkbox related to the button.

  5. Set up an interaction on the destination page: Now, on the destination page where the form resides, create a "Page Load" interaction. In the interaction, write JavaScript code (in the "Run JavaScript" action) to read the captured value from the URL. You can extract the value using the URLSearchParams API or by parsing the URL using string manipulation methods.

  6. Update the form checkbox based on the captured value: In the JavaScript code, use the captured identifier value to select the appropriate form checkbox and programmatically set its state to checked. You can use the document.querySelector() method with a selector matching the checkbox identifier.

  7. Apply the form submission action: Modify the form submission action to include the captured checkbox selections. You can either include the checkbox values as query parameters in the form submission URL or extract them in the destination page using JavaScript and send them with the form submission to a server-side script.

By following these steps, you can create a button click that carries data to a form across pages in Webflow, specifically selecting the appropriate form checkbox based on the button clicked on a product page.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I pass data from one page to another in Webflow?
  2. What are Webflow interactions and how can I use them?
  3. How can I customize the form submission action in Webflow?