What is the purpose of the script in which the loading wrapper is hidden if the cookie already exists?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The purpose of the script in which the loading wrapper is hidden if the cookie already exists is to improve the user experience by providing a seamless transition for returning visitors who have previously interacted with the website.

When a user visits a website for the first time, the loading wrapper is typically shown to indicate that the website is still loading. This loading wrapper can consist of a loading spinner, a progress bar, or any other visual element that informs the visitor that the website is not fully loaded yet.

However, once a user has visited the website and a cookie has been stored on their device indicating that they have already interacted with the site, there is no need to show the loading wrapper again. It would be redundant and potentially annoying for returning visitors to see the loading wrapper again, as it may create the impression that the website is slow or not fully functional.

Therefore, by using a script that hides the loading wrapper if the cookie already exists, the website ensures that returning visitors have a smoother and more seamless experience. It removes the need for them to wait for the loading wrapper to disappear before they can access the site's content, which can help improve engagement and reduce bounce rates.

In addition to improving the user experience, hiding the loading wrapper for returning visitors can also have SEO benefits. Since search engines prioritize user experience and page load speed as ranking factors, providing a fast and seamless experience for returning visitors can potentially lead to higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

To summarize, the purpose of the script in which the loading wrapper is hidden if the cookie already exists is to enhance the user experience for returning visitors by eliminating the need to wait for the loading wrapper to disappear. This not only improves engagement and reduces bounce rates, but it can also contribute to better search engine rankings.