How can I create a form in Webflow that verifies if a user-entered ZIP code is within a defined service area before allowing them to submit the form?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a form in Webflow that verifies if a user-entered ZIP code is within a defined service area before allowing them to submit the form, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a form element: Start by adding a form element to your Webflow project. You can find the form element in the "Forms" section of the Webflow designer. Position and style the form as desired.

  2. Add a text input field: Inside the form, add a text input field where users can enter their ZIP code. To do this, drag and drop a text input element from the "Form Elements" section onto the form. You can customize the label and placeholder text based on your specific needs.

  3. Create a custom attribute for the input field: Select the text input field, and in the right sidebar, click on the "plus" icon in the "Custom Attributes" section. Create a new attribute called "pattern" with a value representing the regex pattern for ZIP code validation. For example, you can use ^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$ as the pattern to validate US ZIP codes.

  4. Add a submit button: Add a submit button to the form so users can submit their information. This can be done by dragging and dropping a button element onto the form. Customize the button text and styling as desired.

  5. Add a custom code block: Select the form element, and in the right sidebar, click on the "plus" icon in the "Custom Code" section. Choose "Embed" and add a custom code block, or choose "Before Body Tag" to add the code directly before the closing </body> tag.

  6. Write custom JavaScript code: Inside the custom code block, write JavaScript code to handle the form submission and ZIP code validation. Use the addEventListener method to listen for the form's submit event. In the event handler, retrieve the value of the ZIP code input field, and perform the validation logic.

  7. Display validation messages: If the ZIP code is outside the defined service area, prevent the form submission and display a validation message to the user. You can create a hidden element on the page to display the message. In the JavaScript event handler, set the hidden element's style property to display: block, and populate its innerHTML with the error message.

  8. Handle successful form submission: If the ZIP code is within the defined service area, you can either allow the form to submit naturally or perform any additional actions needed.

Remember to publish your changes for the form to be live on your website. With these steps, you can create a form in Webflow that verifies if a user-entered ZIP code is within a defined service area before allowing them to submit the form.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I add validation to a form in Webflow?
  2. What is the process to style a form in Webflow?
  3. How can I use Webflow's interactions to enhance form functionality?