Is it possible to build an assessment tool in Webflow where users can choose their most and least preferred options for each card and capture these choices for later use? Should I consider building it outside of Webflow and linking it to my Webflow site instead?

Published on
September 22, 2023

It is possible to build an assessment tool in Webflow where users can choose their most and least preferred options for each card and capture these choices for later use. However, it may require some custom coding and the use of external services to achieve this functionality. Here's how you can approach building an assessment tool in Webflow:

  1. Design the assessment tool interface: Start by designing the interface of your assessment tool using Webflow's visual editor. Create the necessary elements such as cards with options, buttons, and any other elements you need for the assessment.

  2. Create interactions: Use Webflow's interactions feature to add interactivity to your assessment tool. You can create interactions that allow users to select their most and least preferred options for each card. For example, you can use hover or click interactions to change the appearance of the options when selected.

  3. Capture user choices: To capture the user choices and save them for later use, you will need to integrate an external service. You can use a form submission service like Zapier or Integromat to capture the user choices and store them in a database or send them to another system. Both Zapier and Integromat provide Webflow integrations, allowing you to easily connect your assessment tool to these services.

  4. Set up data storage: Depending on your requirements, you might need to set up a database or storage system to store the captured user choices. If you choose to use Zapier or Integromat, they often have integrations with popular databases like Google Sheets or Airtable.

  5. Retrieve and utilize the data: Once the user choices are captured and stored, you can retrieve the data from your chosen storage system and use it however you need. For example, you can display the results to the user, send them via email, or analyze the data to gain insights.

Considering whether to build the tool inside Webflow or outside and link it to your Webflow site depends on your specific requirements and technical capabilities. Building it within Webflow can save you the trouble of integrating external services and allow you to manage everything within the Webflow platform. However, if you require more advanced functionality or have specific data storage requirements, building it outside of Webflow and linking it to your site may be more suitable.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I add custom code to my Webflow site?
  2. Can I export a Webflow site and host it on my own server?
  3. How can I track user interactions and behavior on my Webflow site?