Has anyone successfully passed a value from a CMS page to a field in a form using Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to pass a value from a CMS page to a field in a form using Webflow. This can be achieved by using dynamic embeds and the Webflow CMS API.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this:

  1. Create a form in Webflow:
  • Add a form element to your page.
  • Inside the form, add a text input or any other type of input field you want to pass the value to.
  1. Add a dynamic embed:
  • Go to the "Add Elements" panel and select the "Embed" option.
  • Place the embed element anywhere within your form.
  1. Retrieve the CMS value:
  • Open the embed element settings.
  • In the "Embed Code" section, you'll need to write JavaScript code to retrieve the desired value from the CMS. Use the Webflow CMS API to fetch the specific value you need.
  • Assign this value to a variable.
  1. Populate the form field:
  • Still in the embed settings, write JavaScript code to populate the form field with the value you retrieved in the previous step.
  • Use the JavaScript variable to set the value of the form field, targeting its unique ID or class.
  1. Publish and test:
  • Preview the page in your browser or publish the site to see if the value is being passed from the CMS to the form field correctly.
  • Submit the form and verify if the value is being sent along with the form submission.

Remember to adapt the JavaScript code based on your specific use case and CMS structure. If you need to pass multiple values from a CMS page to multiple form fields, you can repeat the steps above for each value-field pair.

By utilizing dynamic embeds and the CMS API, you can seamlessly pass values from a CMS page to fields in a form, enhancing the functionality and customization of your Webflow project.

Additional Resources:

Q: How do I pass values from a CMS page to a form field in Webflow?
Q: Can I use JavaScript to populate form fields with values from a CMS in Webflow?
Q: What is the Webflow CMS API and how can I use it to pass values to a form field?