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How can I bulk redirect a CMS collection in Webflow to the root domain?
Published on
September 22, 2023
To bulk redirect a CMS collection in Webflow to the root domain, you can follow these steps:
- Log in to your Webflow account and access your project.
- Go to the "CMS" tab in the left-hand sidebar.
- Select the collection you want to redirect.
- Click on the "Collection settings" button.
- In the collection settings, go to the "Template Pages" tab.
- You will see a list of template pages associated with the collection.
- Click on the gear icon next to each template page that you want to redirect.
- In the template page settings, go to the "SEO" tab.
- Scroll down to the "301 Redirect" section.
- Enter the new URL for the template page, which will be the root domain.
- Check the box that says "Redirect this page to the URL above."
- Repeat steps 7 to 11 for all the template pages you want to redirect.
- Once you have set up the redirects for all the template pages, click on the "Save Collection" button to save your changes.
This process will redirect all the template pages in the CMS collection to the root domain. It is essential to set up proper redirects to maintain SEO value and ensure a smooth user experience when restructuring your site.
After completing the steps above, your CMS collection will be redirected to the root domain, leading to a consolidated and streamlined website structure.
Additional Questions:
- How can I redirect a specific page to the root domain in Webflow?
- Can I set up custom redirects in Webflow for pages outside of a CMS collection?
- What are the benefits of using 301 redirects for SEO in Webflow?