How can I display the next 2 blogs on the blog detail page in Webflow using Finsweet CMS Previous/Next Attributes?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To display the next 2 blogs on the blog detail page in Webflow using Finsweet CMS Previous/Next Attributes, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the Finsweet CMS Library:
  • Open your Webflow project in the Designer.
  • Go to the "Dashboard" tab.
  • In the "Add Functionality" section, click on "Install or Update Finsweet CMS Library".
  • The library will be added to your project.
  1. Set up the blog collection and template:
  • Navigate to the "Collections" tab in the Designer.
  • Create a new collection or edit an existing one.
  • Make sure to have a "Date" field and a "Slug" field for each blog item.
  • Set up the blog template with all the desired layout and elements.
  1. Add Finsweet CMS Previous/Next Attributes:
  • On the blog detail page, select the dynamic field or element where you want to display the next 2 blogs.
  • In the right sidebar, under "Add Functionality", click on the "+ Add Field" button.
  • Select the "Previous/Next 2 Blog Posts" option.
  • Configure the options according to your needs, such as the collection, sort order, and limit.
  • Save the changes.
  1. Style and display the next 2 blogs:
  • Use the dynamic list or grid element to wrap the content that will display the next 2 blogs.
  • Inside the dynamic list or grid, add the content elements (e.g., blog title, featured image, etc.) needed to display each blog.
  • Style the elements to match your design preferences.
  1. Preview and publish:
  • Preview the blog detail page to see how the next 2 blogs are displayed.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the layout or styling.
  • Publish your changes to make them live on your website.

By following these steps, you should be able to display the next 2 blogs on the blog detail page in Webflow using Finsweet CMS Previous/Next Attributes. This feature allows users to easily navigate between blog posts and improves the overall user experience.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I install the Finsweet CMS Library in Webflow?
  2. Can I customize the sort order of the next 2 blogs displayed using Finsweet CMS Previous/Next Attributes?
  3. Are there any other options available for displaying related content on a blog detail page in Webflow?