Can ecommerce products be transferred along with an Ecommerce Website when downgrading and transferring to another Webflow Account?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, ecommerce products can be transferred along with an ecommerce website when downgrading and transferring to another Webflow account. When you transfer a website to another Webflow account, all the website assets, settings, and ecommerce products associated with the website are transferred as well. This ensures that you don't lose any important data or the ability to continue selling your products.

To transfer an ecommerce website to another Webflow account, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your current Webflow account and navigate to the Dashboard.
  2. Open the project settings for the ecommerce website you want to transfer.
  3. Click on the "Transfer" tab in the left sidebar.
  4. Enter the email address of the recipient's Webflow account.
  5. Choose the appropriate checkbox to include the ecommerce products along with the website transfer.
  6. Click on the "Request Transfer" button to initiate the transfer process.

Once the recipient accepts the transfer request, the website and all its associated ecommerce products will be transferred to their Webflow account. They will have full control over the website and its ecommerce functionality, allowing them to continue selling products seamlessly.

It's important to note that after the transfer, the recipient will need to connect their own payment gateway and set up their own ecommerce settings, such as shipping rates and tax rules. Additionally, any custom code or API integrations specific to your Webflow account will need to be reconfigured.

In summary, when downgrading and transferring an ecommerce website to another Webflow account, the ecommerce products will be transferred along with the website, ensuring a smooth transition without losing any valuable data or the ability to sell products online.

Additional questions:

  1. Can I transfer an ecommerce website to another Webflow account without transferring the ecommerce products?
  2. What steps should I take to transfer an ecommerce website to another Webflow account?
  3. Will the transfer of an ecommerce website affect the functionality of the ecommerce products?