Understanding Advanced Components in Webflow: Nesting, Editing, and Controlling Content

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May 2, 2023

Understanding Advanced Components in Webflow

Webflow offers a powerful way to create and manage components. In this article, we will cover advanced topics such as nesting components, editing nested components, controlling content, and multidimensional components. If you haven't already seen the basic tutorial on components in Webflow, it's a good starting point to understand the fundamentals.

What Are Advanced Components?

Advanced components in Webflow take the concept of reusability a step further by allowing you to nest components within other components. This powerful feature can help maintain consistency and efficiency when building complex websites.

Creating a Component

To start, let's create a simple component, such as a button. In Webflow, you can turn any element into a reusable component by right-clicking on it and selecting "Create Component." You can then give the component a name, such as "button," and it becomes a reusable element throughout your site.

Nesting Components in Other Components

Once you have a component, you can nest it within another component. For example, you could nest the button component inside a navigation bar component. To do this, simply double-click to edit the parent component, navigate to the list of components, and drag the desired component into the parent component.

Editing a Nested Component

Editing a nested component is similar to editing a standalone component. You can double-click on the nested component to make changes to its content or structure. Any changes made to the nested component will be reflected in all instances where it is used, whether it's nested or not.

Controlling Content on Nested Components

Webflow allows you to control content on a nested component from the parent component. For example, imagine you have a button nested within a navigation bar, and you want to change the text on that button specifically for instances within the navigation bar. Webflow enables you to create properties that let you override specific content on nested components without affecting other instances of the same component.

Multidimensional Components

Multidimensional components in Webflow create a connection between a property on a nested component and its parent component. By linking specific properties, you can make changes to the nested component that only affect instances within the parent component, providing a level of individuality within a shared component.

Implementing Advanced Components in Webflow

Now that we have a basic understanding of advanced components, let's walk through how to implement each of these concepts using Webflow's interface.

Creating a Component

To create a component in Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the desired element.
  2. Select "Create Component."
  3. Give the component a name and hit Enter to create it.

Nesting Components in Other Components

To nest a component within another component:

  1. Double-click to edit the parent component.
  2. Navigate to the list of components.
  3. Drag the desired component into the parent component.

Editing a Nested Component

Editing a nested component is straightforward:

  1. Double-click on the nested component within the parent component.
  2. Make the necessary changes to the content or structure of the nested component.

Controlling Content on Nested Components

To control content on a nested component from the parent component:

  1. Create a property for the content you want to override within the nested component.
  2. Double-click on the nested component and edit the specific property without affecting other instances of the same component.

Multidimensional Components

To create multidimensional components:

  1. Double-click to edit the parent component.
  2. Select the nested component and create a property that connects it to the parent component.
  3. Make changes to the nested component that only affect instances within the parent component.


In conclusion, understanding how to use advanced components in Webflow can significantly improve the efficiency and maintainability of your website design. By leveraging nested components, editing nested components, controlling content, and creating multidimensional components, you can build sophisticated and consistent designs while maintaining flexibility and individuality within shared components. With these advanced techniques, you can take your Webflow skills to the next level and create dynamic and reusable components for your web projects.