Using Variables in Webflow: Streamlining Website Design with Efficient Global Updates

Published on
November 14, 2023

Using Variables in Webflow for Easy Website Design

If you've been building websites, you understand the struggle of making changes across multiple pages. However, with the new introduction of variables in Webflow, this process has become a lot easier. You can now make changes to hundreds of pages in Webflow using variables, allowing for efficient and consistent design updates. In this tutorial, we'll explore the basics of variables and how you can utilize them to streamline your website design process.

Understanding Variables in Webflow

Variables in Webflow are not the same as those in programming languages. Instead, they are reusable values that can be used globally across your website. These values can include numbers, font families, spacing, or color values. Their primary purpose is to hold and manage these values, making it easier to maintain consistency and make changes across your site.

Benefits of Using Variables

For those who have used color swatches and global classes in previous versions of Webflow, you can appreciate how much cleaner variables can make your builds. With variables, you can centralize all your design values and make global changes without the need to individually update each element on every page.

Getting Started with Variables in Webflow

Let's start with a simple example. Imagine you have a basic website design with minimal styling, comprising of spacing and padding. We'll begin by introducing variables for font families to give you a clear idea of their usage.

Setting Font Family Variables

  1. Open the Variables Panel and create a new variable for the font family you want to use, for instance, 'instrument serif'.
  2. Apply the newly created variable to all the headings across your website.
  3. Similarly, create another variable for a complimentary font, for example, 'instrument sand serif', and apply it to paragraphs to add contrast to your website.

By using variables for font families, you can easily update the font across multiple elements with just a few clicks, eliminating the need to individually update each instance.

Creating Number Variables for Font Sizes

Next, let's explore the creation of number variables for font sizes. This allows for easy management and consistency across font sizes in different sections of your website.

  1. Create a new variable for the H1 size and give it a value of 4 REM, equivalent to 64 pixels.
  2. Similarly, create variables for other heading sizes such as H2, H3, and H4, using appropriate REM values.
  3. Apply these variables to the respective headings across your website, ensuring consistency in font sizes.

By leveraging number variables for font sizes, you can easily adjust and maintain consistency in the font sizes across different sections of your website.

Organizing Variables Using Folders

Webflow allows you to organize variables into folders. This makes it easier to manage and locate different variables, especially when dealing with a large number of variables.

  1. Utilize folders to group related variables, such as grouping font family variables under a 'Font Family' folder.
  2. Organizing variables into folders allows for better organization and ease of access when working with a wide range of variables.

Responsive Design with Variables

Webflow variables also enable easy management of responsive design elements. You can create variables for different breakpoints, ensuring that design changes seamlessly adapt across various device sizes.

Responsive Font Size Variables

  1. Create variables for sizes of headings at different breakpoints (e.g., tablet, landscape, and portrait).
  2. Adjust the REM values of the heading variables based on their corresponding breakpoints.
  3. Use CSS embed to reference these variables and ensure that the font sizes respond effectively across different breakpoints.

By using variables for responsive font sizes, you can ensure that your website's typography adapts smoothly to different device sizes without the need for manual adjustments at each breakpoint.

Utilizing Variables for Color Swatches

In addition to font-related variables, you can also create variables for color swatches. By defining color swatch variables, you can easily maintain a consistent color scheme throughout your website.

  1. Create variables for different color swatches such as black, white, and accent colors.
  2. Group color variables into a 'Color' folder for easy management and access.
  3. Apply these color variables to elements across your website to ensure a consistent and cohesive color scheme.

Color swatch variables allow for efficient management and application of a unified color palette across your website, simplifying the process of updating and maintaining color consistency.

Implementing Dark Mode with Variables

Variables in Webflow also allow for easy implementation of dark mode. By defining variables for different color schemes and referencing them in CSS, you can seamlessly switch between light and dark modes.

  1. Create color variables for dark mode, such as dark text, dark background, and dark button colors.
  2. Utilize media queries and CSS embed to override color variables based on the user's preference for dark mode.

With the use of variables, switching between light and dark modes becomes a straightforward process, offering versatility in your website's visual presentation.


Webflow's variables offer a powerful solution for creating and managing consistent design elements across your website. By leveraging variables for font families, font sizes, color swatches, and responsive design, you can maintain a cohesive design language and streamline the process of making global design changes.

As a beginner, it's essential to start small and gradually incorporate variables into your website design process. By understanding and implementing variables for various design elements, you can effectively simplify and enhance the overall design experience in Webflow.

If you found this tutorial helpful, be sure to explore further and experiment with using variables for spacing, borders, and other design elements. With Webflow's variables, you have the opportunity to create a more efficient and adaptable design system for your website.

Remember, variables may seem complex at first, but with practice and small incremental changes, you can harness their power to create a more organized and easily manageable website design experience in Webflow.

By incorporating variables into your Webflow projects, you can truly empower your design workflow and design a more cohesive and responsive website, all from a single centralized panel of variables. Embrace the change and watch your website design process become more efficient and flexible than ever before.