Automating User Redirection in Webflow: Custom Code Tutorial

Published on
November 8, 2021

Using Custom Code to Redirect Users in Webflow

So, you've created a resource library on your website and want to streamline the user experience by redirecting users straight to the resource after they fill out their information, without displaying a success message. In this tutorial, we'll walk through how to achieve this using custom code in Webflow.

The Challenge

In a resource library, users often need to fill out a form to access a particular resource. However, after submitting the form, they are usually presented with a success message before being redirected to the resource. To save time and enhance user experience, we want to bypass the success message and directly redirect users to the resource they requested after submitting the form.

Setting Up Custom Code

To accomplish this in Webflow, we will utilize custom code to automate the redirection process. Here are the steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Accessing the Resource Page

First, navigate to the page in your CMS collection where the resource is located. Here, we want to set up dynamic URL redirection, so that the user is directed to the resource's unique URL.

Step 2: Adding Custom Code

In the page settings, locate the "Add code" option and select the "Body" section. Here, you can paste the custom code snippet that will enable the redirection process. You can find the specific code needed for this functionality in the description below the tutorial video.

Step 3: Identifying the Form ID

Next, you'll need to identify the ID of the form that users submit to access the resource. This form ID will be used in the custom code to specifically target the form for redirection.

Inside the custom code, locate the field where you need to input the form ID. Copy the form ID from the form element on the page and paste it into the appropriate section within the custom code.

Step 4: Integrating Dynamic URLs

Now, you will need to integrate dynamic URLs into the code to ensure that the redirection dynamically changes based on the specific resource being accessed.

In the custom code, identify the sections where the URLs are specified and replace them with dynamic fields that pull the resource's URL from the CMS collection. This will ensure that the redirection is customized for each resource within the collection.

Step 5: Publishing the Changes

Once the custom code is integrated and the dynamic URLs are set up, save the changes to the page settings, and publish your website to make the updates live.

Testing the Redirection

With the custom code implemented and the dynamic URLs set up, it's time to test the redirection process.

Navigate to the resource page on your website and fill in the form to access the resource. After submitting the form, you should now be seamlessly redirected straight to the resource without encountering a success message.


In this tutorial, we've demonstrated how to use custom code in Webflow to streamline the user experience by automating the redirection process after form submission, allowing users to directly access their requested resource without any unnecessary intermediate steps. This enhancement can significantly improve the user experience and save valuable time for both you and your website visitors.

We hope this tutorial has been helpful in understanding how to leverage custom code and dynamic URLs in Webflow to create a seamless redirection process for your website's resource library. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in the next tutorial!