Customize Favicon for Specific Pages in Webflow: Simple and Effective Tutorial

Published on
May 13, 2019

How to Customize Favicon for Specific Pages in Webflow

If you've ever wanted to customize the favicon for a specific page on your website in Webflow, you've come to the right place. By default, when you update your favicon in Webflow's site settings, it is applied to every single page on your site. However, there's a way to customize the favicon for an individual page. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of achieving this with a simple and effective Webflow hack.

Getting Started

To start, ensure you're on the home page of your cloneable site in Webflow. You'll notice that this page, along with all the other pages on the build, uses the default favicon. Our goal is to customize the favicon for a specific page without affecting the rest of the site.

The Customization Process

Step 1: Create a New Page

In the Webflow interface, navigate to the page for which you want to customize the favicon. You can create a new page or choose an existing one.

Step 2: Access Custom Code

In the Designer section, go to the page where you want to customize the favicon. We'll be using custom code to achieve this, so there's no need to add any HTML elements or classes to the page. It's all done through custom code.

Step 3: Adding the Custom Code

Inside the page's Head tag, insert the following script. The code must be placed within the Head tag so it can execute as soon as possible, ensuring the custom favicon is set before any of the page elements start loading.

<script>  function changeFavicon() {    var link = document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']") || document.createElement('link');    link.type = 'image/x-icon';    link.rel = 'shortcut icon';    link.href = 'path/to/your/custom-favicon.ico'; // Replace 'path/to/your/custom-favicon.ico' with the actual path to your custom favicon    document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(link);  }  changeFavicon();</script>

Let's break down the code:

  • We're creating a function called changeFavicon to rebuild the favicon link with our desired custom favicon for this specific page.
  • The function first checks if the link element for the favicon exists. If it does, it gets a reference to it. If it doesn't exist, a new link element is created.
  • The type and rel attributes are set to 'image/x-icon' and 'shortcut icon' respectively, which are standard for favicon links.
  • The href attribute is set to the path of our custom favicon, ensuring that this specific page will have a unique favicon.
  • Finally, we append the newly created link to the head of the document, ensuring the custom favicon is applied to the page.

By following these steps, you can now have custom favicons on each individual page of your Webflow site.

Demo and Application

By customizing the favicon for specific pages, you can offer a tailored and engaging experience to your visitors. Whether it's for different products, brands, or just to add a touch of creativity, custom favicons can enhance the user experience on your site.


Thank you for exploring this Webflow hack with us. Feel free to clone the project and experiment with the entire set of hacks available for cloning. Gain a deeper understanding of how these hacks work and use them to enhance your live site.

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In conclusion, by understanding and implementing this custom favicon hack, you're well on your way to creating a more personalized and captivating web experience within Webflow. Happy designing!