Ultimate Guide: Creating Range Slider Solution with Attributes in Webflow | Step-by-Step Tutorial

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February 16, 2022

How to Build a Range Slider Solution in Webflow Attributes

In this full build walkthrough, we will learn how to create a range slider solution using attributes in Webflow. This range slider can be utilized in a web form or with CMS filter attributes, providing full control over its functionality and flexibility. The solution involves building a range slider in the designer and applying attributes to turn it into a powerful visual component for your project.

Setting Up

Before we begin, we need to ensure we have the necessary script to utilize attributes. In the documentation, we are instructed to copy a specific script and add it to the head of the page. This script enables us to define and control the behavior of our range slider using attributes.

Once the script is in place, we can implement the range slider in Webflow. We will start from scratch in our project, and the entire structure will be built within a container. This project can be found as a clonable template in Webflow, which makes it easier for anyone to follow along.

The structure of the range slider is comprised of the following elements: Wrapper, Track, Fill, and Handle. These will serve as the building blocks for our range slider.

Building the Structure in Webflow Designer

In the Webflow Designer, we start by adding div blocks to represent the wrapper, track, fill, and handle. Each element should be assigned a class name, which will mirror the names used within the attributes we are going to apply later.

The next step involves adding custom attributes to these elements. We begin by attributing the wrapper, track, fill, and handle elements in order to provide them with the necessary functionality and styling.

Understanding the Elements

Before we proceed with the design, it's essential to understand the role of each element within the range slider. The wrapper acts as the containing parent element that holds the UI elements, providing the structure for the range slider. The track determines the background representation of the slider, indicating the start and finish points. The fill represents the active or selected range within the track, and the handle serves as the draggable component of the slider.

Visualizing the Range Slider

Now that we understand the purpose of each element, we can visualize the range slider within the Webflow Designer. By applying visual styles and dimensions to the track, fill, and handle, we can create a clear visual representation of the range slider within the design interface. Additionally, we ensure that the positioning of the elements is set up correctly to align with the requirements for the range slider functionality.

Upon applying the styles and positioning, we can publish the project to see the visual representation of the range slider in action. We can interact with the slider, dragging the handle within the track to visualize its movement and behavior.

Enhancing the Range Slider Functionality

To further enhance the functionality of the range slider, we can add additional elements such as a display value, text input, and options for customizing the slider's behavior.

Display Value

The display value element is responsible for showing the current value of the range slider. By adding this element and applying the display value attribute, we can visually display the selected value as the slider moves.

Setting Minimum, Maximum, and Steps

The range slider can have its minimum and maximum values defined, along with the step size for each movement of the slider. We can set these attributes for the wrapper element, specifying the minimum, maximum, and step values to control the range and granularity of the slider.

Starting Value and Formatting Display

We are also able to define the starting value of the slider handle and format the displayed value. Additionally, the format display attribute provides options for customizing the display format, such as adding commas or periods based on the user's location.

Text Input Field

The text input field is a crucial component of the range slider, as it holds the values of the slider handles. This input field is essential for submitting forms or using the CMS filter solution and plays a key role in capturing and processing the slider's data.

Dual-Handle Range Slider

We can easily transform the single-handle range slider into a dual-handle one by duplicating the necessary elements. Duplicating elements such as the handle, display value, and input field allows us to seamlessly create a two-handle range slider with attributes automatically adapting to the changes.

Slider Update Behavior

The range slider also supports a slider update attribute, providing options for controlling the behavior of the slider's value update. By setting the update to either "move" or "release," we can define whether the value changes continuously as the handle moves or only updates once the handle is released. This feature significantly impacts the user experience when interacting with the range slider, particularly in scenarios involving filtering or form submissions.


In conclusion, utilizing attributes in Webflow provides a powerful and flexible solution for creating range sliders with customizable and interactive features. By understanding and applying attributes to the range slider elements, we can build dynamic and user-friendly components for web forms, CMS filter solutions, and various other interactive experiences within our projects.

With the ability to control the behavior, appearance, and functionality of the range sliders through attributes, Webflow empowers users to create sophisticated user interfaces with ease. Whether it's a single-handle or dual-handle range slider, attributes offer seamless customization and integration capabilities, making the process of building interactive components a seamless and enjoyable experience for web designers and developers.