Mastering Layouts with Flexbox and CSS Grid: Effortless Webflow Design Solutions

Published on
April 14, 2022

Mastering Layouts with Flexbox and CSS Grid in Webflow

Web design and development often involve dealing with various layout issues, such as managing spacing and alignment of elements. In this tutorial, we will explore how to address common layout challenges by leveraging the power of Flexbox and CSS Grid in Webflow. These tools offer efficient and flexible approaches to building responsive and visually appealing layouts without the need for complex calculations or manual adjustments.

The Problem with Margins

One common layout issue on the web involves managing spacing between elements, such as cards or content sections. Traditional methods of applying margins to individual elements can lead to undesirable side effects, such as creating excessive space on the sides of the layout. In the past, addressing this issue often required creating additional classes or applying manual adjustments, making the development process more cumbersome and time-consuming.

In the following example, we have three cards represented as Div blocks, each with the same class applied. When attempting to add margin between these elements, the result may lead to unexpected layout inconsistencies.

To illustrate this issue, let’s consider a scenario where we have three cards displayed next to each other. Despite applying margins to create spacing between the cards, we encounter problems with excessive space on the sides of the layout.

Traditional Approaches

Historically, developers have resorted to various approaches to mitigate the challenges associated with managing layout spacing. Some methods involve creating individual combo classes to remove specific margins from the first and last elements, while others turn to manual calculations and adjustments in an attempt to achieve the desired layout.

This traditional approach often results in a convoluted development process, requiring additional classes and manual intervention to align and space elements effectively.

Introducing CSS Grid

One powerful solution for building two-dimensional layouts is CSS Grid. With CSS Grid, developers can effortlessly add gaps between columns and rows, simplifying the process of creating visually appealing and well-structured layouts.

While CSS Grid offers significant advantages for two-dimensional layouts, it may present challenges when dealing with interfaces where elements wrap to the next line. In such cases, the complex calculation of column design to support wrapping can complicate the development process, posing a less than ideal solution for certain layouts.

Leveraging Flexbox for Effortless Layout Control

Enter Flexbox - a versatile layout model that offers an efficient and intuitive way to manage the alignment and spacing of elements within a container. With Flexbox, developers can exert precise control over the layout by manipulating the styles of the parent element, eliminating the need for intricate manual adjustments and complex calculations.

By leveraging Flexbox, developers can easily align and justify elements within a layout, streamlining the development process while ensuring consistent and visually appealing designs. Flexbox allows for effortless control over element wrapping, enabling developers to align rows as needed without resorting to convoluted methods.

Exploring Flexbox Features in Webflow

In Webflow, Flexbox empowers developers to effortlessly create complex layouts with a high degree of control and flexibility. By taking advantage of the Flexbox capabilities within the Webflow Designer, developers can streamline the development process, eliminate manual calculations, and achieve cohesive and visually appealing layouts with ease.

When working within the Webflow Designer, the Flexbox capabilities enable developers to align, justify, and control the layout of elements within a parent container. With the ability to manipulate Flexbox settings directly within the Webflow interface, developers can easily achieve precise control over the layout without the need for manual adjustments or complex calculations.

Harnessing the Power of Flex Gap

One standout feature within Webflow is Flex Gap, a functionality that brings the benefits of CSS Grid's grid gap into the realm of Flexbox. This powerful feature allows developers to add gaps between columns and rows within a Flexbox layout, eliminating the need for manual margin adjustments and complex grid calculations.

By incorporating Flex Gap within the Webflow Designer, developers can seamlessly add spacing between elements, enhancing the visual appeal and structure of their layouts without the hassle of manual adjustments or intricate calculations.

Building the Layout in Webflow

Let's walk through the process of building a responsive layout using Flexbox and Flex Gap within the Webflow Designer. With this example, we will create a card-based layout with three cards displayed horizontally, showcasing the seamless application of Flexbox and Flex Gap to achieve optimal spacing and alignment.

Step 1: Setting Up the Container

To begin, create a parent container for the card elements within the Webflow Designer. Select the parent element, and access the Flexbox settings to configure the layout properties.

Step 2: Applying Flexbox Settings

Within the Flexbox settings, manipulate the alignment and justification of the elements to achieve the desired layout. Take advantage of Flex Gap to add spacing between the cards, ensuring a visually appealing and well-structured design.

Step 3: Leveraging Flex Gap for Responsive Design

Enable Flex Gap within the Webflow Designer to seamlessly add spacing between columns and rows, optimizing the layout for various screen sizes and devices. By harnessing the power of Flex Gap, developers can achieve consistent and visually appealing designs without the need for manual adjustments.

Step 4: Fine-tuning the Layout

Once the Flexbox settings and Flex Gap have been applied, fine-tune the layout to ensure optimal responsiveness and visual harmony across different viewport sizes. By utilizing the intuitive controls and features within the Webflow Designer, developers can effortlessly create and customize responsive layouts with ease.

Advantages of Using Flexbox and Flex Gap in Webflow

By incorporating Flexbox and Flex Gap within the Webflow Designer, developers can benefit from several advantages, including:

Effortless Layout Control

Flexbox and Flex Gap provide developers with a high degree of control over layout alignment, spacing, and responsiveness, streamlining the development process and eliminating the need for manual adjustments.

Enhanced Visual Appeal

By leveraging Flexbox and Flex Gap, developers can create visually appealing and well-structured layouts with optimal spacing and alignment, enhancing the overall user experience and design aesthetics.

Simplified Responsive Design

Flexbox and Flex Gap allow for seamless responsiveness across various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and visually appealing experience for users regardless of the viewing platform.

Streamlined Development Workflow

With the intuitive controls and features within the Webflow Designer, developers can efficiently build and customize layouts, reducing the reliance on complex calculations and manual adjustments.


In conclusion, mastering layout design in Webflow is made effortless with the powerful capabilities of Flexbox and Flex Gap. By leveraging these tools, developers can effortlessly create visually appealing and responsive layouts without the need for complex calculations or manual adjustments. The seamless integration of Flexbox and Flex Gap within the Webflow Designer empowers developers to streamline the development process, achieve optimal layout control, and deliver visually stunning designs that enhance the user experience across various devices and viewport sizes.