Utilizing Grids in Webflow: Step-by-Step Website Section Recreation

Published on
August 9, 2021

How to Use Grids in Webflow to Recreate Website Sections

In this article, we will delve into the usage of grids in Webflow, a popular web design platform. We will explore the step-by-step process of creating a section of a website using grids. As we go along, we will explore how grids can be utilized for various website layouts, such as icon sections, text and image combinations, and more.

Introduction to Grids in Webflow

Grids are an essential feature for structuring website layouts. They involve arranging content into rows and columns, making it easier to manage the alignment and placement of elements on a webpage. In Webflow, grids can be easily implemented using the visual interface, allowing for a seamless design experience.

Recreating a Section Using Grids

Let’s start by recreating a section of the Webflow website that employs grids. The section we are targeting showcases an icon section arranged in a grid layout. This example will help us understand the practical application of grids in a real-world scenario.

Setting Up the Grid

To begin, we’ll need to create a new section on our webpage. In Webflow, adding a section is as simple as dragging and dropping the section element onto the canvas. We'll set the minimum height of the section to 100vh to make it fill the viewport height. Additionally, we can make the section a flexbox and center its contents using the alignment options available in Webflow.

Next, we'll add a grid element to the section. We can easily add a grid by selecting the grid element from the elements panel. Alternatively, we can use a div block and convert it into a grid by selecting the grid option in the properties panel. For this demonstration, we’ll directly add a grid element with three columns. We can easily manage the number of columns and rows using the intuitive interface provided by Webflow.

Populating the Grid with Content

Within the grid, we'll add a div block and populate it with the necessary elements. In our case, each grid cell will contain an image and accompanying text. By creating the initial layout once and then duplicating it, we can significantly expedite the design process.

We can add images and text elements to the div block, arranging them in a grid-like fashion.

After populating the grid cells with content, we can fine-tune the visual spacing and alignment using the visual controls provided by Webflow. The visual controls allow us to adjust the spacing without delving into the CSS, making the entire process more intuitive and efficient.

Responsive Design Using Grids

One of the significant advantages of using grids in Webflow is the effortless responsiveness they offer. We can seamlessly transition between different screen sizes and orientations while preserving the integrity of the grid layout.

As we scale down to tablet and mobile views, we can observe how the grid layout automatically adapts to the available space. We can make specific adjustments for different breakpoints to ensure the content remains visually appealing and well-structured across various devices.

Flexibility and Versatility of Grids

We can also utilize grids to create more complex layouts, such as a combination of text and images arranged in a grid-based structure. By leveraging the grid features, we can effortlessly position elements in a visually pleasing manner without the need for complex CSS manipulations.


In conclusion, grids in Webflow offer a powerful and intuitive way to structure website layouts. Whether it's arranging icon sections, text and image combinations, or other complex layouts, grids provide a flexible and efficient solution. By using the visual controls and responsive design features of Webflow, designers and developers can create visually appealing and versatile website layouts without delving into extensive code. Grids in Webflow are a valuable tool for both beginners and experienced designers, making the design process more streamlined and accessible.

In this tutorial, we covered a practical demonstration of using grids to recreate sections of a website, highlighting the ease and efficiency of working with grids in Webflow. As you continue to explore the capabilities of Webflow, consider incorporating grids into your design arsenal to enhance your website layout and design capabilities.