What feature in Webflow allowed users to drag an input outside of a form while holding Alt on Windows, and what happened to it?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Dragging inputs outside of forms in Webflow

In earlier versions of Webflow, there was a feature that allowed users to drag an input field outside of a form while holding the Alt key on Windows. This feature was called "Draggable forms" and provided some flexibility in designing and arranging input fields.

However, this feature has been removed in the current version of Webflow. The reason for its removal is to align with web standards and best practices. Dragging inputs outside of forms can lead to usability issues and accessibility concerns.

Webflow encourages designers and developers to follow proper HTML structure and maintain the semantic integrity of forms. By sticking to standard practices, websites and applications built on Webflow are more reliable, user-friendly, and accessible to a wider range of users.

Reasons for removing the feature:

  • Usability issues: Dragging inputs outside of forms can confuse users as it goes against their accustomed interaction patterns with forms.
  • Accessibility concerns: Forms are an essential component for many people with disabilities who rely on assistive technologies. By having inputs outside of forms, it can hinder their ability to navigate and interact with the content properly.
  • Standard compliance: Following web standards and best practices ensures compatibility across different browsers, devices, and future-proofing the design. Removing this feature aligns with the HTML5 standard and ensures better overall code quality.

Overall, the removal of the feature to drag inputs outside of forms in Webflow was a deliberate decision to promote better usability, accessibility, and compliance with web standards.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I design forms effectively in Webflow?
  2. Are there any alternative methods to customize form inputs in Webflow?
  3. What accessibility features does Webflow offer to ensure compliance with WCAG standards?