Is there a way in Webflow to create a link that opens a new tab while keeping the current tab in the browser?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, in Webflow, you can create a link that opens a new tab while keeping the current tab in the browser by using the target="_blank" attribute. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Select the element (e.g., text, button) that you want to turn into a link.
  2. In the Element Settings panel on the right-hand side, scroll down to the "Attributes" section.
  3. Click on the "+" button to add a new attribute.
  4. In the "Name" field, enter "target".
  5. In the "Value" field, enter "_blank".
  6. Save and publish your changes.

By adding the target="_blank" attribute to your link element, it tells the browser to open the linked page in a new tab or window while keeping the current tab active. This offers a more user-friendly browsing experience and allows users to easily navigate back to your website while exploring the linked content.

Optimizing this answer for search engines:
Keywords: Webflow, create a link, open in new tab, target _blank, preserve current tab in browser

Additional questions:

  1. How can I create a target _blank link in Webflow?
  2. Is it possible to make a link open in a new tab in Webflow?
  3. What attribute can I use in Webflow to open a link in a new tab?