Is it possible to set a redirection from one domain to another using Webflow even if the DNS records are set in a different service like Namecheap?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to set a redirection from one domain to another using Webflow even if the DNS records are set in a different service like Namecheap. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Set up your new domain in Webflow:
  • In your Webflow project, go to the Project Settings.
  • Under the Hosting tab, click on the "Add Custom Domain" button.
  • Enter your new domain name and click "Add Domain."
  • Webflow will provide you with the required DNS settings that you need to add to your domain settings in Namecheap. Keep this information handy.
  1. Configure DNS records in Namecheap:
  • Log in to your Namecheap account.
  • Go to the domain settings for the domain you want to redirect from.
  • Look for the DNS management section.
  • Edit the DNS records as required. In this case, you'll need to set up a redirect.
  • Create a new URL Redirect record, usually found in the "URL Redirect" or "Redirect" option.
  • Add the destination URL (the new domain you want to redirect to) and set the type of redirection (301 or 302).
  • Save the changes.
  1. Verify the setup:
  • After saving the DNS record changes in Namecheap, go back to Webflow.
  • Under the Hosting tab in your Webflow project settings, click on the "Check DNS Configuration" button.
  • Webflow will verify if the DNS records are set up correctly.
  • Once the verification is successful, the redirect will start working.

Note: DNS propagation can take some time, so it might take a while for the redirect to take effect globally.

Now, whenever someone visits the old domain, Namecheap's DNS records will redirect them to the new domain hosted on Webflow.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I redirect one domain to another using Webflow and a different DNS service like GoDaddy?
  2. Can I set up multiple domain redirects using Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to maintain SEO rankings when redirecting from one domain to another using Webflow?