How can I scale my images to take up the full width of the grid while remaining square across all devices in Webflow when using a CMS collection with a background image set to "cover"?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To scale your images to take up the full width of the grid while remaining square across all devices in Webflow when using a CMS collection with a background image set to "cover," you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your grid : First, create a grid layout using Webflow's grid feature. Ensure that the grid is set to display as a row and has the desired number of columns.

  2. Add a div block : Inside each grid cell, add a div block that will hold your image. This div block will act as a container for the image and allow you to manipulate its dimensions.

  3. Set the background image : Select the div block and navigate to the Styles panel. In the Background section, set the background image by clicking on the image icon. Choose your desired image from the assets panel or upload a new one.

  4. Set the background size : To ensure the image takes up the full width of the grid, set the background size to "cover." This will make sure the image fills the entire div block, regardless of its original dimensions.

  5. Set the aspect ratio : To keep the image square across all devices, you can use a trick called the "padding hack" in CSS. Add a custom class to the div block and apply the following CSS code to it:

    .custom-class {
    position: relative;
    padding-top: 100%; /_ Set the aspect ratio you desire _/

    This code will set the height of the div block based on a percentage value of its width, creating a square aspect ratio.

  6. Center the image : By default, the background image will align to the top-left of the div block. To center it vertically and horizontally, select the "Center" option in the Background Position dropdown.

  7. Responsive adjustments : To ensure the image remains responsive on different devices, you may need to make some adjustments. For example, you can use media queries to change the padding-top value for different screen sizes, or adjust the grid layout accordingly.

By following these steps, you can achieve the desired result of scaling your images to take up the full width of the grid while remaining square across all devices in Webflow when using a CMS collection with a background image set to "cover."

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I make images responsive in Webflow with fixed dimensions?
  2. What are some other image scaling options in Webflow?
  3. Can I use custom CSS to modify image dimensions in Webflow?