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How can I make the nav_menu hide and appear in the ham menu on tablet and mobile breakpoints in Webflow?
Published on
September 22, 2023
To make the nav menu hide and appear in the hamburger menu on tablet and mobile breakpoints in Webflow, you can follow these steps:
- Select the nav menu:
- In the Webflow Designer, click on the nav menu element on your canvas to select it.
- Set the display settings for different breakpoints:
- Open the Style Panel on the right side of the Designer.
- On the top-left corner of the Style Panel, you'll see the Device Preview icons for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile breakpoints.
- Click on the Tablet or Mobile icon to switch to the corresponding breakpoint.
- Hide the nav menu on tablet and mobile:
- In the Style Panel, scroll down to the Display section.
- Change the Display setting to "None" for the Tablet and Mobile breakpoints.
- This will make the nav menu invisible on tablet and mobile screens.
- Create a hamburger menu:
- Place a new element (e.g., a div block or a symbol) on your canvas where you want the hamburger menu to appear.
- You can design the hamburger menu as per your preference using text, divs, or custom icons.
- Set the display settings for the hamburger menu:
- Select the created hamburger menu element.
- In the Style Panel, set the initial Display setting to "None" for the Desktop breakpoint to hide it.
- Show the hamburger menu on tablet and mobile:
- Switch to the Tablet or Mobile breakpoint in the Style Panel.
- Change the Display setting of the hamburger menu to "Flex" or "Block".
- This will make the hamburger menu visible on tablet and mobile screens, while hiding the nav menu.
- Create an interaction to toggle the menu:
- Select the hamburger menu element.
- Click on the "+ Add Interaction" button in the top-right corner of the Designer.
- In the Interaction Panel, choose the "While Clicked" trigger and select the "Affect Different Element" action.
- Select the nav menu element as the affected element.
- Set the display setting of the nav menu to "Flex" or "Block" for the Tablet and Mobile breakpoints.
- Choose any desired animation, such as Fade or Slide, to reveal the nav menu when the hamburger menu is clicked.
- Save your changes.
Now, when you preview or publish your Webflow site and switch to the Tablet or Mobile breakpoint, the nav menu should be hidden initially. Clicking on the hamburger menu will trigger the interaction, making the nav menu appear.
Additional Questions:
- How do I create a custom hamburger menu in Webflow?
- Can I change the animation of the hamburger menu in Webflow?
- Is it possible to add additional elements to the hamburger menu in Webflow?