How can I align the arrows lower in the "Feature Section 3" slider on my Webflow site? Also, how can I hide both arrows for the mobile landscape version of the slider?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To align the arrows lower in the "Feature Section 3" slider on your Webflow site and hide both arrows for the mobile landscape version of the slider, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access the Webflow Designer: Log in to your Webflow account and open the Webflow Designer for the desired project.

  2. Select the "Feature Section 3" slider: Navigate to the page containing the feature section with the slider and select the slider component.

  3. Adjust arrow alignment: Click on the slider element to open the Element Settings panel on the right-hand side. Under the "Slider Settings" section, you will find the "Navigation" options. Expand the "Arrows" drop-down menu and click on the "Default" arrow style to select it.

  4. Modify arrow position: To align the arrows lower, you can add custom CSS. Within the Designer, go to the Styles panel and click on the "+" icon to create a new CSS rule.

  5. Target the arrow elements: In the selector field, enter the appropriate selector to target the arrow elements. The exact selector may vary depending on the structure of your Webflow project and the class or ID assigned to the slider component. For example, if the slider has the class "feature-slider", the selector would be .feature-slider .w-slider-arrow.

  6. Set the desired arrow position: In the new CSS rule, add the position property and set its value to relative. This ensures that the arrows' positions can be modified within their parent container.

  7. Use the top property: Add the top property to the CSS rule to adjust the vertical position of the arrows. Specify a value to indicate the desired distance from the top of the slider component. For example, you can set top: 80% to align the arrows 80% down from the top.

  8. Hide arrows for mobile landscape: To hide both arrows for the mobile landscape version of the slider, you can add a media query to target that specific viewport. Within the same CSS rule, add a media query with the @media rule, targeting the appropriate screen width range for mobile landscape. For example:
    @media (max-width: 991px) {
    .feature-slider .w-slider-arrow {
    display: none !important;
    In the example above, the arrows will be hidden when the screen width is 991px or below.

  9. Preview and adjust: Preview your changes in different viewports using the Webflow Designer's responsive preview options. Make any necessary adjustments to the arrow position or visibility until you achieve the desired results.

  10. Publish your site: Once you are satisfied with the changes, publish your site to make the modified slider and arrow alignment live on your Webflow website.

In summary, here are the steps to align the arrows lower in the "Feature Section 3" slider and hide them for mobile landscape on your Webflow site:

  1. Access the Webflow Designer.
  2. Select the "Feature Section 3" slider.
  3. Adjust arrow alignment in the Element Settings panel.
  4. Add custom CSS.
  5. Target the arrow elements.
  6. Set the desired arrow position using the position and top properties.
  7. Add a media query to hide the arrows for mobile landscape.
  8. Preview and adjust as needed.
  9. Publish your site.

By following these steps, you should be able to align the arrows lower and hide them for the mobile landscape version of the slider on your Webflow site.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I change the appearance of the arrows in a Webflow slider?
  2. Can I customize the size or color of the arrows in a Webflow slider?
  3. Is it possible to add custom navigation elements instead of arrows in a Webflow slider?