How long are meta descriptions in search results now and how can expanding them improve traffic and positions on Google?
How long are meta descriptions in search results now?
As of May 2021, meta descriptions in search results have a maximum length of around 158-160 characters, including spaces. However, Google doesn't follow a strict character limit and sometimes chooses to display longer snippets.
How expanding meta descriptions can improve traffic and positions on Google?
Expanding meta descriptions within the given character limit can greatly improve traffic and positions on Google. Here's how:
Increased visibility : By crafting concise and compelling meta descriptions, you can entice users to click on your search result over others. This can improve your click-through rate (CTR), making your site more visible and attracting more organic traffic.
Improved relevancy : Expanding meta descriptions gives you more space to showcase the content and benefits of your page. By accurately describing what users can expect from your page, you can attract more relevant, engaged visitors, which can positively affect your bounce rates and overall rankings.
Keyword optimization : Meta descriptions provide an opportunity to include relevant keywords that align with the search intent. By incorporating target keywords naturally into your meta descriptions, you can enhance your SEO efforts and increase the likelihood of appearing in relevant searches.
Compelling call-to-action (CTA) : Expanding meta descriptions allows for an impactful CTA to be included, encouraging users to take action. A well-crafted CTA can drive clicks, conversions, and ultimately improve positions on Google.
Snippet control : Although Google may choose to show a different snippet in search results, writing persuasive meta descriptions helps increase the chances of these descriptions being used. This can give you more control over how your website appears on SERPs (search engine results pages).
In summary, expanding meta descriptions within the character limits can lead to improved visibility, relevancy, keyword optimization, compelling CTAs, and snippet control. These factors, combined with other SEO strategies, can positively impact your website's traffic and positions on Google.
Additional questions:
- What are some best practices for writing effective meta descriptions?
- How can I check if my meta descriptions are within the recommended character limits?
- Does the placement of targeted keywords in meta descriptions affect SEO?