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How can I auto play a background video on Webflow when it scrolls into view?
Published on
September 22, 2023
To auto play a background video on Webflow when it scrolls into view, you can follow these steps:
- Start by adding a section to your Webflow project where you want the background video to be displayed.
- Within the section, create a div element and give it a class name that will be used to target it with custom code. For this example, let's call it "background-video-wrapper".
- Next, add a video element to the div element by dragging and dropping the "video" component from the add panel.
- Choose your desired video from the Asset Manager or upload a new video file.
- Once the video is added, open the Styles panel and set the position property of the "background-video-wrapper" class to "fixed". This will ensure that the video remains fixed in place as the page is scrolled.
- Adjust the width and height of the "background-video-wrapper" to match the dimensions of your video and set the z-index to a higher value so that the video appears behind other elements on the page.
- Now, it's time to write some custom code to make the video play when it scrolls into view. Go to the custom code section of your Webflow project by clicking on the gear icon at the top-right corner and then selecting "Custom Code" from the dropdown menu.
- In the head section of the custom code, add the following script tag to include the Scroll Magic library:
<script src=""></script>
- Below the Scroll Magic library, add another script tag to initialize Scroll Magic and create a scene that triggers the video autoplay when it enters the viewport:
<script> var videoScene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: ".background-video-wrapper", triggerHook: 0.5 }) .on("enter", function(event){ var video = document.getElementById("background-video"); // Replace "background-video" with the ID of your video element; }) .addTo(controller);</script>
- Finally, go back to your Webflow project and give the video element an ID by selecting it and opening the Settings panel on the right. Set the ID to "background-video" (or any other ID you specified in the JavaScript code above).
- Publish your Webflow site to see the background video auto-play when it scrolls into view.
By following these steps, you can achieve an autoplaying background video effect that triggers when the video scrolls into view on your Webflow site.
Additional Questions:
- How do I add a section in Webflow?
- How can I customize the position of an element in Webflow?
- Can I autoplay a video on Webflow without using custom code?