Can anyone provide a solution for creating a site with English and Arabic support on Webflow, where the Arabic version is a mirror image of the English version?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Sure! To create a site with English and Arabic support on Webflow, where the Arabic version is a mirror image of the English version, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your project structure:
  • Create two collections: one for English content and another for Arabic content.
  • Create fields in each collection for the corresponding content, like title, description, and body.
  1. Design your site:
  • Create a layout for your English version using the Webflow Designer.
  • Duplicate the layout and flip it horizontally to create a mirrored version for Arabic.
  1. Create dynamic content:
  • In the Webflow Designer, select the dynamic element (text or image) you want to link to a collection field.
  • Choose the collection and specific field you want to populate the content from.
  • Repeat this step for all dynamic content elements on your site.
  1. Set up language switching:
  • Add a language switcher element to your site's header or footer.
  • Create a custom code embed and add JavaScript code to handle the language switch.
  • Use the Webflow API to fetch the content from the appropriate collection based on the selected language.
  • Make sure the content is presented in a mirrored format for the Arabic version.
  1. Style the Arabic version:
  • Apply appropriate typography and styling to the mirrored Arabic layout to ensure readability.
  • Adjust spacing and alignment to maintain a visually appealing design.
  • Test the layout on different devices and screen sizes to ensure responsiveness.
  1. SEO considerations:
  • Optimize your website for Arabic search engines by using appropriate meta tags and titles in Arabic.
  • Include relevant keywords in your content to improve search rankings.
  • Make sure your website has proper hreflang tags to indicate the language and regional targeting.
  • Consider using Webflow's SEO settings to further optimize your site for search engines.

By following these steps, you can create a site with English and Arabic support on Webflow, where the Arabic version is a mirror image of the English version. This will allow you to easily manage and update content in both languages while maintaining a consistent design across both versions.

Additional questions users may search for:

  1. How to create a bilingual website on Webflow?
  2. What are the steps to create a mirrored Arabic version of a Webflow site?
  3. How to optimize a Webflow site for SEO in multiple languages?