Can users save changes to a CMS entry in Webflow without getting kicked out of the editor if they open their site in a new window?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, users can save changes to a CMS entry in Webflow without getting kicked out of the editor if they open their site in a new window. Webflow's CMS Editor provides a seamless editing experience, allowing users to make changes to CMS entries without any interruptions.

When a user opens their site in a new window, the CMS Editor stays synchronized across all open windows. This means that any changes made in one window will instantly update in all other open windows. So, if a user saves a change to a CMS entry in one window and then opens their site in a new window, they will not be kicked out of the editor and can continue editing without any disruption.

Here's how this functionality benefits users:

  1. Efficient Multi-tasking: Users can open multiple windows to work on different parts of their site simultaneously, without the fear of losing any changes.

  2. Real-time Collaboration: Multiple users can collaborate on the same CMS entry without conflict. When one user saves changes in their window, all other users' windows will update in real-time, ensuring that everyone is working with the latest version of the content.

  3. Better Previewing: Users can open a preview of their site in a new window while simultaneously making changes in the CMS Editor. This allows them to see how their changes affect the live site while still having the ability to modify the content or layout.

Overall, Webflow understands the importance of a seamless editing experience and allows users to save changes to a CMS entry without being kicked out of the editor when opening their site in a new window. This functionality promotes efficient editing and collaboration, making Webflow a powerful tool for managing and updating content on websites.

Additional Questions:

  1. How does Webflow's CMS Editor handle conflicts when multiple users are editing the same CMS entry?
  2. Can users revert back to previous versions of a CMS entry in Webflow?
  3. What are the advantages of using Webflow's CMS for managing website content?