Is there an easy fix or is this a bug with Webflow that is causing triggers and animations to not work when a link is generated for others to view?

Published on
September 22, 2023

If you're experiencing issues with triggers and animations not working when sharing a Webflow link with others, it is unlikely to be a bug. Instead, it is more likely related to the way Webflow exports its assets and dependencies for sharing.

Webflow relies on a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create dynamic animations and interactions. When you publish a site, Webflow generates a static version of your project which includes all the necessary files that the browser needs to display your site correctly. However, when sharing a Webflow link with others, Webflow doesn't export the JavaScript and CSS files that contain your triggers and animations.

To ensure that triggers and animations work properly when sharing a Webflow link, you have a few options:

  1. Publish the site to the domain: By publishing your site to Webflow's hosting environment, all the necessary assets and files will be preserved, and your triggers and animations should work as expected.

  2. Export the entire site and host it elsewhere: If you prefer to host your site on a different server, Webflow allows you to export your project. By exporting the entire site and hosting it elsewhere, you can ensure that all the necessary JavaScript and CSS files are included, and your triggers and animations will function correctly.

  3. Consider using Webflow's CMS hosting: If you're using Webflow's CMS functionality, it's important to note that dynamic content and collections require a hosting plan with Webflow. If you're using dynamic content and sharing a Webflow link, make sure you're using a CMS hosting plan to ensure that everything works properly.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that triggers and animations in your Webflow project will work when sharing links with others.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I fix triggers and animations that don't work when sharing a link in Webflow?
  2. Why are triggers and interactions not working when I share my Webflow project?
  3. What are the best practices for successfully sharing Webflow projects with working animations and interactions?