Can I use a JSON map style created with the Google Map Style tool in the Webflow map component?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can use a JSON map style created with the Google Map Style tool in the Webflow map component. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Generate the JSON map style:
  • Go to the Google Map Style tool website ( .
  • Customize the map style by adjusting features like colors, labels, and elements.
  • Once you're happy with the style, click on the "JSON" tab to reveal the JSON code representing your map style.
  • Copy the JSON code.
  1. Add the map component in Webflow:
  • Open your Webflow project and navigate to the page where you want to add the map.
  • Drag and drop a 'Map' component onto the canvas or select an existing map component.
  1. Customize the map component:
  • With the map component selected, go to the settings panel on the right-hand side.
  • Scroll down to the 'Map Style' section and click on 'More Styles' to expand it.
  1. Add the JSON style:
  • In the expanded 'Map Style' section, click on the 'Custom Styles' toggle switch to enable custom styling.
  • Click on the 'JSON' tab that appears below the toggle switch.
  • Paste the JSON code that you copied from the Google Map Style tool into the provided text field.
  1. Apply the style:
  • Once the JSON code is pasted, click anywhere outside the text field to apply the style.
  • You will see the map component update in real-time with the custom style you defined using the JSON code.
  1. Additional configuration:
  • You can further configure the map component by adjusting settings like zoom level, marker placement, and more, based on your specific requirements.

By following these steps, you can easily apply a JSON map style created with the Google Map Style tool to the Webflow map component. This allows you to have a fully customized map that fits your website's design and aesthetics.

Example JSON Style

[  {    "featureType": "all",    "elementType": "all",    "stylers": [      {        "invert_lightness": true      },      {        "saturation": -100      }    ]  }]

[Google Map Style, Webflow Map Component, JSON Map Style]