Webflow Forms: Mastering Conditional Fields for Dynamic User Experience

Published on
May 5, 2021

Conditional Fields in Webflow Forms Masterclass

Conditional fields in forms can greatly enhance the user experience of your website's forms. This tutorial will focus on how to use conditional fields in Webflow forms. We will explore how to reveal form inputs and other elements based on selections and values from form fields. This Webflow forms masterclass series will help you understand and implement conditional fields to make your forms more dynamic and user-friendly.

Introduction to Conditional Fields

In this episode, we will use three different examples to demonstrate the power of conditional fields within Webflow forms. First, we will look at conditional radio buttons where selecting a certain value reveals additional form inputs. Then, we will explore a drop-down field that reveals different elements based on the selected value. Lastly, we will manipulate the user experience based on the input value in a text field.

Example 1: Conditional Radio Buttons

Let's start by creating a form with conditional radio buttons. The form will have gender selection options - male, female, and other. When the user selects "other," an additional input will appear where they can type a custom value. If "male" or "female" is selected, the additional input will remain hidden. This ensures that the user is prompted to fill in the additional input only when "other" is selected.

To achieve this in Webflow, create a form element and add radio buttons with the options "male," "female," and "other." Ensure that all the radio buttons are part of the same group and have the same name attribute, such as "gender." When the "other" radio button is selected, use conditional interactions to reveal the additional input field. Apply the "input show" class to transition the visibility of the input field, making it elegant and user-friendly.

Example 2: Conditional Dropdown Field

Next, let's build a form with a drop-down field that reveals different elements based on the selected value. The drop-down will have options such as "phone," "email," and "carrier pigeon." When the user selects an option, the corresponding input field will be revealed. For example, selecting "phone" will reveal a phone number input, while selecting "email" will reveal an email input.

In Webflow, create a select field for the drop-down and add the relevant options. Then, use conditional interactions to show or hide the input fields based on the selected value. Apply classes like "input show" and "js select hide" to control the visibility and styling of the elements. With this setup, the form becomes intuitive and adapts to the user's selections.

Example 3: Conditional Text Field

For our final example, we'll utilize a text field to demonstrate how form elements can influence the user experience. The form will have a text input for entering an animal, and based on the input, an image of the corresponding animal will be displayed. For instance, typing "wombat" will reveal an image of a wombat next to the input field.

In Webflow, create a text input for the animal name and an associated image. Use the input's "oninput" event to capture the user's input in real-time. Then, apply a conditional check to match the input with the desired value, such as "wombat." When there is a match, reveal the associated image by adding the "input show" class.

Implementing JavaScript for Conditional Fields

The examples above can be implemented in Webflow using custom JavaScript. We'll use JavaScript to handle the logic for revealing and hiding form elements based on user input. Let's break down the JavaScript code used in the examples to understand how it makes the conditional fields work.

Example 1 JavaScript Code

In the JavaScript for the conditional radio buttons, we use jQuery to handle the form interactions. We first identify the elements, such as the gender type input, and the radio buttons for male, female, and other. Then, we attach a change event to the radio buttons to trigger the conditional behavior. We also use classes like "input show" and "input hide" to control the visibility of the additional input based on the user's selection.

Example 2 JavaScript Code

For the conditional dropdown field, we again use jQuery to handle the form interactions. We select the contact select field and add a change event to it. Based on the selected option, we reveal the corresponding input field using conditional checks and classes like "input show" and "js select hide." This JavaScript code dynamically adjusts the form based on the user's selection from the drop-down.

Example 3 JavaScript Code

In the final example, JavaScript is used to capture real-time input in the text field and reveal the associated image. We utilize the "oninput" event to capture changes in the input field. Then, we apply a conditional check to match the input value with a specific animal, such as "wombat." When there is a match, the associated image is revealed using the "input show" class.


Conditional fields play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience of web forms. By utilizing Webflow's form interactions and custom JavaScript, you can create dynamic and user-friendly forms that adapt to user input. The examples discussed in this masterclass demonstrate the versatility of conditional fields in creating intuitive and responsive forms.

Whether it's revealing additional inputs based on selections, dynamically adjusting form elements, or responding to real-time input, conditional fields empower you to create engaging and interactive forms. We encourage you to explore and experiment with conditional fields in your webflow forms to create a seamless user experience.

In conclusion, mastering conditional fields in Webflow forms opens up a world of possibilities for creating dynamic and personalized user interactions. We hope this masterclass has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration to leverage conditional fields in your web design projects. Thank you for joining us, and happy coding with Webflow!