Lumos Adaptive Spacing System: Streamlining Responsive Design in Webflow

Published on
May 31, 2023

How to Use Lumos Adaptive Spacing System in Webflow

Adjusting spacing is an essential aspect of creating a responsive website, and it can be time-consuming if not managed efficiently. In this article, we'll explore how to use the Lumos adaptive spacing system in Webflow to streamline consistent and responsive spacing across breakpoints.

Understanding Adaptive Spacing

When working on a website in Webflow, it's crucial to ensure that spacing elements adapt to different screen sizes for optimal display. This includes adjusting padding, margins, and gaps between elements.

In the past, managing spacing across breakpoints in Webflow could be tedious and required manual adjustments for each element at different viewport sizes. However, with the introduction of the Lumos adaptive spacing system, Webflow has made it easier to maintain consistent spacing while designing and building responsive websites.

Applying Adaptive Spacing in Webflow

Let's delve into the process of using the Lumos adaptive spacing system in Webflow. In this tutorial, we'll focus on applying adaptive spacing to different elements and understanding how they adapt across various breakpoints.

Padding and Margin Classes

To apply adaptive spacing to all sides of a div, we can use the classes pd or mg followed by a number from 0 to 20 Rim (Root Em) to specify the size of the padding or margin. For example, applying pd2 to a selected class will add 2 Rim padding to all sides of the div.

Additionally, we can override individual directions to make specific sizes different. For instance, setting a padding vertical of three will override the top and bottom padding.

Applying Adaptive Gap

Gap can be applied to flex or grid elements by choosing the direction and specifying the gap size. Using the class GP followed by a number, such as GP 1.5, will apply a 1.5 Rim gap. The adaptive spacing system ensures that the gap size consistently shrinks on each breakpoint, with default reductions to 75% of the original size on tablet and 50% on mobile.

Controlling the Rate of Shrinkage

To control the rate at which the spacing elements shrink for each breakpoint, we can adjust the multiplier in the spacing embed. By setting the multiplier for tablet and mobile breakpoints, we ensure that the spacing adapts according to our design requirements.

Rounding Spacing Values

When calculating the Rim equivalent of pixel values, it's essential to round them up or down to fit within the Lumos adaptive spacing system. For instance, dividing 38 pixels by 16 results in approximately 2.3 Rim, which can be rounded down to 2 REM space.

By reusing these rounded values, we can maintain consistency and adaptability across the site's design.

Adding and Overriding Utilities

Once the adaptive spacing styles are added to the class name, they can only be overridden using the native UI by adding a combo class to the element. This allows for overriding adaptive styles for specific elements that require custom sizes.

The order of adding utilities in the class name doesn't matter, as the order in the embed is what counts. As a result, we can prioritize specific adaptive styles over others by controlling their placement within the class name.

Default Gap for Flex and Grid Layouts

The Lumos adaptive spacing system includes a default gap for grids and flexboxes throughout the site. This default gap ensures consistency in the alignment of items within these layout elements. By setting the default gap size, we can maintain uniformity in grid and flexbox layouts, while still being able to override it on individual elements using native controls.


In conclusion, the Lumos adaptive spacing system in Webflow offers a streamlined approach to managing responsive spacing across breakpoints. By utilizing the adaptive padding, margins, and gap classes, designers and developers can ensure that their websites maintain consistent and visually appealing spacing at varying screen sizes.

For beginners, the Lumos adaptive spacing system provides an intuitive way to handle spacing elements without the need for complex coding. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively incorporate the adaptive spacing system into your Webflow projects, creating seamless and responsive designs.