Utilizing Browser Detection and Function Running in Webflow: A Beginner's Guide

Published on
October 28, 2019

Understanding and Utilizing Browser detection and Function Running in Webflow

Webflow is a powerful tool for building websites and web applications without having to write code. In the tutorial, "Webflow Joe" demonstrates how to detect a user's browser in Webflow and run a function based on the browser's identity. This technique allows for the customization of user experiences based on the browser being used. In this tutorial, we will delve into the details of browser detection and function running in Webflow for beginners.

Browser Detection and its Applications

Browser detection is a method used to identify the web browser being used by a visitor. This information can be utilized to enhance the user experience by customizing the content and functionality according to the capabilities and limitations of the specific browser. Different browsers may require different optimizations, display styles, or even completely different feature sets to provide the best user experience.

Utilizing browser detection, web designers and developers can:

  • Show and hide elements based on the user's browser
  • Provide specific instructions or messages based on the browser type
  • Optimize the website's performance and visual effects for different browsers

Now, let's walk through the implementation of browser detection and function running in Webflow.

Implementing Browser Detection in Webflow

In Webflow, browser detection and function running are achieved using JavaScript. JavaScript allows for the dynamic manipulation of web page elements based on the user's browser. In the following walkthrough, we'll cover the steps to detect the user's browser and update a piece of text content to display the detected browser name. This is achieved through the use of custom code injections within the Webflow Designer interface.

Step 1: Creating a Text Element

  • Open the Webflow Designer and create a text element that will display the detected browser name.

Step 2: Assigning a Class

  • Assign a class to the text element. This class will be used to target the text element using JavaScript.

Step 3: Adding Custom Code

  • Navigate to the page settings and locate the custom code section.
  • Add the following JavaScript code within the custom code section:
<script>  // JavaScript code for browser detection and function running  // The code will be explained in detail below</script>

Step 4: JavaScript Implementation

The JavaScript code for browser detection and function running involves creating a regular expression to detect the user's browser, and then based on the browser identity, updating the text content accordingly.

<script>  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {    // Reference the text element using its assigned class    var browserText = document.querySelector('.browser-text');    // Regular expression to detect the user's browser    var testBrowser = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'Chrome' :      /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'Firefox' :      /Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'Safari' :      /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) ? 'Internet Explorer' : 'Undefined';    // Update the text content based on the detected browser    if (testBrowser === 'Chrome') {      browserText.textContent = 'You are in Chrome';    } else if (testBrowser === 'Firefox') {      browserText.textContent = 'You are in Firefox';    } else if (testBrowser === 'Safari') {      browserText.textContent = 'You are in Safari';    } else {      browserText.textContent = 'Browser Undefined';    }  });</script>

Understanding the JavaScript Code

Let's break down the JavaScript code and understand each component:

  1. Reference the Text Element: The JavaScript code starts by referencing the text element using its assigned class, browser-text.

  2. Regular Expression: A regular expression is used to detect the user's browser by matching specific keywords within the navigator.userAgent string. Depending on the match, the browser name is determined.

  3. Update Text Content: Conditionals (if, else if) are then used to update the text content based on the detected browser.

  4. Applying Customizations: This JavaScript code can be expanded to include more complex functionality specific to each browser, such as showing or hiding elements, running different scripts, or displaying browser-specific messages and instructions.

Advanced Customizations

The provided JavaScript code serves as a basic example of browser detection and function running in Webflow. However, the concept can be extended to perform more advanced customizations based on the detected browser.

For instance, for users on Chrome, a website might offer a specific set of features or visual effects that are optimized for Chrome's rendering capabilities. Conversely, for users on Safari or Firefox, the website might present alternative visual elements, disable certain features, or provide specific instructions tailored to each browser's capabilities.

Developers can leverage browser detection to create a highly tailored user experience, offering optimal performance and functionality based on the capabilities of the user's browser.


In this tutorial, we have explored the concept of browser detection and function running in Webflow. Leveraging JavaScript and custom code injections, Webflow users can dynamically customize the user experience based on the visitor's browser. By detecting the user's browser and running specific functions or updates, web designers and developers can ensure that their websites provide an optimized experience across different browsers.

The flexibility offered by browser detection and function running in Webflow enables the creation of tailored user experiences, addressing the specific needs and capabilities of various web browsers. As you apply these techniques in your Webflow projects, you can truly deliver a seamless and optimized browsing experience for all visitors, regardless of their choice of browser.

We encourage you to experiment with the provided JavaScript code, explore advanced customizations, and unleash the full potential of browser detection and function running in Webflow to enhance your web creations. Happy coding with Webflow!