Advanced Page Transitions: Barbajs and Gsap Flip Animations Tutorial

Published on
March 10, 2023

Building Advanced Page Transitions with Barbajs and gsap Flip Animations in Webflow

Today, we are going to delve into advanced web transitions using Barbajs and gsap flip animations. If you are not familiar with these tools, I highly recommend checking out our previous tutorial to understand the basics before diving into the advanced concepts.

In this tutorial, we will be building an animation where a circle expands and contracts as we navigate from one page to another. Additionally, we will be exploring how to move a logo from one side to the other when visiting the contact page. These techniques will provide a seamless and engaging user experience on your website.

Getting Started

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of animation, let's set up our Webflow project. First, create a container for the home and contact pages. It's important to note that Barbajs keeps navigation on the same page without reloading, so we'll be leveraging this feature for our advanced animations.

Understanding Barbajs

Barbajs fetches the content from the page where the navigation occurs and places it on the same page. This concept is fundamental to understanding the interactions we are about to create. When creating the animations, we need to consider that we want the new content to overlap the old content rather than being placed below it. To achieve this, we can add a transitioning class to the content coming in, set it to a fixed position covering the entire page, and then remove the class once the animation is complete.

Setting Up the Logo and Animation

Let's first identify the logo element by adding a data element attribute to it. For example, we can call it "logo." By designating this attribute, we can later interact with the logo for animations. Additionally, we want to ensure that the layout is properly set up across all pages, such as positioning the logo to the right for the contact page and to the left for other pages. This sets the stage for the animations we are about to create.

Implementing the Animation

We will be using gsap's flip animation to create a smooth and fluid movement of the logo from one side to the other. The flip animation involves getting the state of the current position of the logo, removing the next logo, moving the current logo to the new position, and animating the logo's movement. By using gsap's flip plugin, we can seamlessly transition the logo from its previous state to its new position, creating a visually appealing effect.

Adding Title Animations

In addition to animating the logo, we want to add title animations to further enhance the user experience. We can fade out the current page's title and fade in the new page's title to create a cohesive transition effect. By synchronizing these animations with Barbajs transitions, we can ensure a seamless and elegant transition between pages.

Syncing Transitions

To ensure smooth and synchronized transitions, we can utilize Barbajs' sync mode, which indicates that the leaf and enter hooks should play together. This setting allows us to combine the entering and leaving transitions, ensuring that the animations occur simultaneously and create a cohesive experience for the user.

Reusing Animations

We can encapsulate our transition logic into a reusable function, allowing us to easily apply the same animation when navigating to and from the contact page. By modularizing our code, we not only improve efficiency but also create a consistent and unified experience across different interactions within our website.

Testing the Animations

After setting up the animations, it's crucial to test and fine-tune them to ensure they work seamlessly across different scenarios. By simulating transitions from and to the contact page, we can validate that the animations behave as intended and provide a polished user experience.


In conclusion, leveraging Barbajs and gsap flip animations in Webflow allows us to create advanced page transitions that significantly enhance user interaction and engagement. By carefully orchestrating the movement of elements and synchronizing animations with page transitions, we can deliver a seamless and visually captivating experience for website visitors.

In our next session, we will explore creating additional animations and interactions, and we welcome any suggestions for specific animations or features you would like us to cover. Stay tuned for more exciting web development tutorials as we continue to explore the world of advanced web interactions in Webflow. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to seeing you in the next session!