Understanding ID Assignments in Webflow Two-Column Grids: Exploring Grid Child Controls and Layout Manipulation

Published on
August 5, 2022

Understanding ID Assignments in Webflow Two-Column Grids

Web design often involves creating various layouts, and one common design element is the two-column layout, which typically includes a section with text on one side and an image on the other. In this article, we'll explore how Webflow assigns IDs to parent divs inside two-column grids, particularly when using the grid child controls.

Creating a Two-Column Layout in Webflow

To start, let's consider the typical two-column layout. In Webflow, creating this layout is quite straightforward. You can use the following steps:

  1. Add a section with a class, such as "home-hero."
  2. Insert a two-column grid within the section.
  3. Place a grid block as a content block within the grid.
  4. Add elements such as heading, paragraph, button, and image within the grid block.

This setup allows for easy manipulation of the layout using grid child controls, which enable alignment and positioning of elements within the grid.

The Assignment of IDs by Webflow

Upon inspecting the HTML structure of the created layout in Webflow, you'll notice that Webflow assigns unique IDs to the parent divs inside the two-column grids. These assigned IDs facilitate independent movement of elements within the grid, even if they share the same class.

The primary purpose of these automatically assigned IDs is to allow elements to be manipulated independently within a shared parent div, preventing interference with other elements using the same class.

Controlling Element Movement within Grids

Let's consider an example where we have two elements, a heading and a button, both contained within individual div blocks with the same class. The use of grid child controls enables independent movement of these elements without affecting each other, thanks to the unique IDs assigned by Webflow.

Flex Controls and ID Assignments

However, if we were to switch the display setting of the grid block class to "display: flex," the unique IDs are not automatically assigned. As a result, when using flex controls, the aligned elements move together as they share the same class, without the need for unique IDs to control their independent movement within the parent div.

Impact on Webflow Code Export

When exporting the code from Webflow, the assigned IDs become part of the HTML structure. While the presence of IDs may not significantly impact the functionality of the website, you may find the lengthy strings of alphanumeric characters within the IDs less than aesthetically pleasing.

Alternative Approaches to Avoid ID Assignments

To circumvent the automatic assignment of IDs in the exported code, you can consider alternative approaches within Webflow:

  1. Reset positioning: By removing any grid child controls and resetting the positioning properties, the automatically assigned IDs can be avoided.
  2. Use combo classes: Applying combo classes to specific elements within the grid allows for independent movement without the need for unique IDs. This helps in controlling the layout while minimizing the usage of automatically assigned IDs.

Responsive Design Considerations

In responsive design, altering the order of elements or changing the placement on different devices may necessitate the use of grid child controls and, consequently, the automatic assignment of IDs. For instance, adjusting the order of elements on mobile devices may require utilizing grid child controls, resulting in the re-emergence of unique IDs.

Final Considerations

While the presence of automatically assigned IDs in Webflow may not significantly impact the functionality of a website, it's important to consider their role in controlling the layout and ensuring the independent movement of elements within grids.


Understanding how Webflow assigns IDs to parent divs within two-column grids provides insight into the inner workings of grid controls and their impact on element manipulation in web design. By navigating the nuances of ID assignments and exploring alternative control approaches, web designers and developers using Webflow can optimize the layout and design of their projects.

In summary, while the automatic assignment of IDs by Webflow serves a crucial purpose in maintaining independent element movement within shared parent divs, there are alternative strategies to minimize the visual impact of these assigned IDs in the exported code.

By leveraging the built-in features of Webflow and understanding the dynamics of layout manipulation, designers and developers can create visually appealing and functionally robust web experiences with ease.

I hope this article has provided valuable insights into the complexities of grid controls and ID assignments in Webflow, paving the way for more efficient and visually captivating web designs.