F'in Sweet CMS Library for Webflow: Implementing the Nest Component for Simulating Nested Collections

Published on
May 26, 2020

Introduction to the F'in Sweet CMS Library for Webflow

Are you struggling to simulate nested collections in Webflow? Have you encountered limitations in adding multiple collections with nested collections on the same page? If so, you're in luck because in this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through implementing the F'in Sweet CMS library for Webflow. This step-by-step tutorial will help you understand and utilize the Nest component, which allows you to simulate nested collections for any number of collections on the page, without the need to use a single nested collection.

Understanding the Concept of Nested Collections in Webflow

Before we dive into the implementation, it's crucial to understand the limitations and requirements of nested collections in Webflow. At the time of this tutorial, Webflow allows for only one nested collection per page. While this may suffice for some websites, others may require multiple collections on the same page, each of which needs a nested collection. Unfortunately, achieving this in Webflow isn't possible using the standard features.

However, the F'in Sweet CMS library introduces the Nest component to address this limitation. With the Nest component, you can create simulated nested collections for any number of collections on the page, eliminating the need to rely on a single nested collection.

Double Data Entry and Multi-Reference Fields

To make use of the Nest component, it's essential to understand that it requires double data entry. This means that you'll need to add multi-reference fields and items to your collection items, as you would with any type of CMS item. Additionally, you'll also need to incorporate a multi-reference plain text field, which serves as an ID or key to retrieve the actual multi-reference items within your collection list.

The multi-reference plain text field contains comma-separated values that correspond to the items in the official field. For example, if your official field contains "advertising" and "marketing," the plain text field would hold "advertising, marketing." This plain text list serves as an identifier to retrieve the real multi-reference items within the collection.

Creating the Nest Component Instance

Now, let's move on to the practical implementation of the Nest component in Webflow. The first step involves creating an instance of the F'in Sweet CMS library targeted at your collection list. This instance is stored in a variable, such as "custom blog posts," and is essential for leveraging the Nest component for your collections.

Understanding HTML Classes and Structure

To effectively implement the Nest component, it's crucial to understand the HTML classes and structures associated with it. Within the HTML and class setup section, the inspector's screenshot provides a visual representation of the Nest component at work. On the page, there are two collection lists: the visible collection list (e.g., blog posts list) and the collection holding the multi-reference items.

The visible collection list, where the F'in Sweet CMS library instance is running, is where you'll apply the "text of categories list" class to an element containing the comma-separated plain text list. This text list serves as the ID and key for retrieving the correct nest category links within the multi-reference target.

Additionally, there's the multi-reference target div, designated as the location for inserting the nest category links or multi-reference items. Lastly, the nest source represents the source of the multi-reference items, which reside in the nest multi-reference collection.

Implementation Steps and Explanation

Let's break down the implementation of the Nest component step by step, ensuring a clear understanding of each class and its role in the process. The library reads the comma-separated list, identifies the corresponding items, retrieves them from the nest multi-reference collection, and pastes each item into the multi-reference target.

Furthermore, it's important to note that the Nest component is designed to capture the direct child of the collection item, accommodating various types of information, such as text, links, or components. The multi-reference target serves as a receptacle for the retrieved items, allowing seamless integration within the collection list.

Live Demonstration and How-To Guide

If you're feeling unsure about the implementation process, fear not! A live demonstration and how-to guide are available for a comprehensive walkthrough of the Nest component. By exploring a live implementation and witnessing the component in action, you'll gain a deeper understanding of its functionalities and capabilities. Additionally, the cloneable feature provides an opportunity to interact with a working example, solidifying your grasp of the Nest component's usage.


In conclusion, the F'in Sweet CMS library for Webflow offers a powerful solution for simulating nested collections through the innovative Nest component. By leveraging the double data entry and understanding the HTML classes and structure, you can effectively incorporate the Nest component into your Webflow projects, overcoming the limitations of nested collections within the platform. Whether you're building a blog, portfolio, or e-commerce site, the Nest component empowers you to create dynamic and versatile collections with ease.

With this comprehensive guide, you're well-equipped to harness the potential of the F'in Sweet CMS library and revolutionize your Webflow development experience. Embrace the flexibility of nested collections and unlock new possibilities for your web design projects.