Ultimate Guide to Password Validation using Webflow Interactions and Member Stack Hack

Published on
January 24, 2020

How to Build Password Validation with Webflow Interactions and Member Stack Hack

If you're looking to add a password validation feature to your website, Webflow and Member Stack offer a powerful solution. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of setting up password validation using Webflow interactions and Member Stack. This will allow you to ensure that users enter their passwords correctly before submitting a form, providing a seamless user experience.

Introduction to Webflow and Member Stack

Webflow is a powerful tool for building and designing websites without the need for coding. It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create responsive websites.

Member Stack, on the other hand, is a membership platform that integrates seamlessly with Webflow. It enables users to create membership-based sites and manage user authentication, making it an ideal tool for implementing password validation features.

Setting Up the Form in Webflow Designer

To begin, let's set up a simple form in Webflow Designer. The form will include two password fields: one for the password and another to confirm the password. We'll use Member Stack's form features and add an extra field for password confirmation. It's important to note that Member Stack automatically handles the password field as a secure, plain password field, making it a crucial component for password validation.

The two password fields should have unique IDs. These unique identifiers will be essential for validating and confirming the password entries.

Additionally, we'll set up interactions within Webflow for password matching and non-matching scenarios. This will provide visual feedback to the user, indicating whether the passwords match or not.

Creating Webflow Interactions for Password Validation

In Webflow, interactions can be used to create visual feedback and responses based on user input. We'll utilize Webflow interactions to change the border color of the password confirmation field to indicate whether the passwords match or not.

  1. Password Match Interaction: We'll create an interaction that triggers when the passwords match. This interaction will change the border color to signify a successful match and can include visual elements such as check icons to provide a clear indication of matching passwords.

  2. Password No Match Interaction: In the case where the passwords don't match, we'll create a separate interaction to change the border color to indicate a mismatch. This can include visual cues such as displaying error messages or using different icons to indicate the mismatch.

The flexibility of Webflow interactions allows for customization, enabling you to create a personalized experience for users as they input and confirm their passwords.

Implementing JavaScript for Password Validation

JavaScript plays a crucial role in the password validation process. We'll use JavaScript to trigger the Webflow interactions based on the comparison of the password and confirm password fields. Additionally, JavaScript will be used to control the form submission based on the password validation results.

We'll use JavaScript to create a function that checks for password matching, triggers the appropriate Webflow interactions, and controls form submission.

  1. Debounce Function: To improve efficiency, we'll implement a debounce function to delay the password validation check. This will prevent excessive checking during continuous typing and ensure that the validation occurs after a brief pause, enhancing the user experience.

  2. Form Submission: JavaScript will also control the submission of the form based on the password validation results. If the passwords match, the form will be allowed to submit. However, if the passwords don't match, the form submission will be prevented, and a failure message can be displayed through a Webflow interaction.

By using JavaScript in conjunction with Webflow interactions, you can create a seamless password validation process and provide clear feedback to users.


In summary, implementing password validation with Webflow interactions and Member Stack offers a powerful solution for ensuring that users enter their passwords correctly and seamlessly submitting forms.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can effectively set up password validation on your website, enhancing the user experience and security.

To explore further possibilities with Webflow and Member Stack, consider experimenting with additional JavaScript functionalities, custom interactions, and visual feedback to create a truly tailored password validation experience for your users.

Thank you for exploring this tutorial, and feel free to clone the project to further understand and implement these concepts on your own website. Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel and newsletter for updates on new hacks and tutorials in the future. If you have specific requests for hacks or features, submit them on our website, and we'll explore their feasibility in the context of Webflow.

By employing these powerful tools and techniques, you can elevate the functionality of your website and provide a seamless user experience for password validation and beyond.