Transform Your Webflow CMS with F & Sweet CMS Library: Advanced Add Classes Example

Published on
May 4, 2020

Utilizing the F and Sweet CMS Library in Webflow

If you're looking to take your Webflow CMS game to the next level, the F & Sweet CMS Library might just be the solution you've been searching for. In this tutorial, we're going to explore an advanced example of the add classes component in action, demonstrating how you can create a totally unique and colorful structure for your dynamic list using Webflow.

Introduction to the Example

Before diving into this advanced example, it's essential to have a solid understanding of the add classes component. If you're new to this feature, it's recommended to first explore Example 1 of the add classes video tutorial to grasp the foundational concepts. Once you're confident with the basics, you can join in the fun and explore this advanced demonstration.

The Live Example

Let's begin by examining the live example that showcases the power of the add classes component. We have a collection list on the page, which appears normal and conventional. However, our goal is to transform this list into a visually stunning, dynamic layout. Upon visiting the live example site, you'll witness an array of vibrant and visually engaging color cards—this is precisely the kind of transformation we aim to achieve using the F & Sweet CMS Library and the add classes component.

Leveraging Add Classes Component

To bring the vibrant and dynamic structure to our collection list, we'll utilize the add classes component. By implementing a series of custom classes and leveraging the add-on classes functionality, we can achieve the desired visual impact.

Let's delve into the specific classes and customizations that are applied through the add classes component:

Collection List Item Classes

We start by adding classes to the collection list items to trigger the dynamic effect. The classes applied include "offset 0," "offset 1," "offset 2," and "offset 3," each serving a distinct purpose in altering the appearance and positioning of the items within the list.

Custom Color and Positioning

In addition to the offset classes, we also incorporate custom color and positioning adjustments to achieve the vibrant and engaging layout. Through the add-on classes functionality, we can seamlessly integrate these customizations without any complex coding.

Implementing Custom Code

As we venture into the world of customization and dynamic layouts, we'll need to incorporate some custom code to make the magic happen. Let's break down the essential elements of the custom code that drives this advanced example:

Script Initialization

The first step involves adding the necessary script to the page to enable the live script functionality. The script initializes a new library instance that targets the collection list class and stores it in the "projects grid" variable.

Defining Arrays

We employ four arrays, each representing a specific set of add-on classes that will be applied to every fourth item within the collection list. The arrays encompass "color offset zero," "color offset one," "color offset two," and "color offset three," with each array defined to apply its respective classes at a frequency of four.

Customization Logic

The custom code is designed to seamlessly integrate the add-on classes into the collection list items. Each array is strategically structured to apply the designated classes to specific items at the defined frequency, effectively creating the visually stunning and dynamic layout.

Applying Classes with Frequency and Start Values

By leveraging frequency and start values within the arrays, we can precisely control the application of the add-on classes to ensure the desired visual impact. The code meticulously assigns the designated classes to the collection list items at the specified intervals, resulting in a visually engaging and dynamic layout.

Igniting Creativity

With the power of the F & Sweet CMS Library and the advanced features of the add classes component, the possibilities for creating unique and vibrant CMS collections are virtually limitless. This advanced example serves as a testament to the creative potential that lies within Webflow's capabilities.


As you embark on your journey to create dynamic and visually intriguing CMS collections, don't hesitate to experiment with the add classes component and explore the capabilities of the F & Sweet CMS Library. By embracing the essence of customization and dynamic design, you can elevate your Webflow projects to new heights and craft truly unique and captivating experiences for your audience.

We encourage you to unleash your creativity and push the boundaries of what's possible within Webflow's CMS framework. Share your innovative creations with us, and let's celebrate the remarkable designs and experiences that emerge from this advanced example of the F & Sweet CMS Library in action.