Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Blog with Webflow CMS | Webflow Blog Tutorial

Published on
June 9, 2021

How to Create a Blog Using Webflow CMS

If you're looking to create a blog using the Webflow CMS, you're in the right place. This tutorial will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a blog within Webflow using a CMS collection.

Introduction to Webflow CMS

Webflow CMS allows you to create and manage a variety of dynamic content, including blogs, listings, team member sections, and more. It enables you to draw data from a database into a templated design, making it easy to maintain consistency across your site. This tutorial will focus on creating a blog using the Webflow CMS.

Overview of the Blog Layout

Before we dive into the design process, let's take a quick look at how a typical blog layout is structured. Blogs often include features such as a thumbnail image, the author's name, a publication date, categories, text content, and a "read more" button.

Let's start by building the navigation bar for our blog. The navigation bar will provide a guide for users to navigate the blog. You can customize the design in any way you like, such as changing the colors, font sizes, and layout.

<nav>  <div>Blog</div></nav>

Now, let's design the grid for the blog posts. The grid will display multiple blog posts in a structured layout. We'll start by creating a CMS collection to store our blog posts.

Creating a CMS Collection

  1. Go to the CMS dashboard in Webflow and click on "Create your first collection."
  2. Choose "Blog Posts" as the collection type.
  3. Add fields such as title, thumbnail image, author, date, and post content to the collection.

Once the collection is created, you can add sample blog posts with dummy content to populate the collection. This data will be displayed on the blog page using the CMS collection.

Designing the Blog Grid

Now, let's set up the blog grid using the CMS collection we created. We'll use the collection list and grid layout to organize and display the blog posts.

<cms-collection-list>  <div class="blog-post">    <img src="..." alt="Blog Thumbnail">    <h2>{{ Blog Title }}</h2>    <p>{{ Author Name }} - {{ Publication Date }}</p>    <p>{{ Post Summary }}</p>    <button>Read More</button>  </div></cms-collection-list>

In this code snippet, we use the CMS collection list to fetch and display the data from our blog posts. Each blog post is structured using HTML elements, and with the use of Webflow's dynamic data binding, the actual content will be pulled from the CMS collection.

Styling the Blog Grid

To style the blog grid, you can customize the appearance of each blog post by adjusting the layout, typography, and colors. You can also apply CSS classes to the individual elements for consistent design.

.blog-post {  /* Define styles for blog post layout */}.blog-post img {  /* Style the blog post thumbnail */}.blog-post h2 {  /* Style the blog post title */}.blog-post button {  /* Style the "Read More" button */}

By applying custom styles to the blog grid, you can create a visually appealing layout that suits your website's design.

Creating the Blog Post Page

Once the blog grid is set up, the next step is to design the individual blog post page. This page will display a single blog post with its full content.

<section>  <div class="blog-header">    <div class="blog-image">...</div>    <div class="blog-details">      <h1>{{ Blog Title }}</h1>      <p>{{ Author Name }} - {{ Publication Date }}</p>    </div>  </div>  <div class="blog-content">    <p>{{ Post Content }}</p>  </div></section>

On the blog post page, you can display the full blog post content, including the title, author name, publication date, and the main content of the post. You may also include additional elements such as tags, categories, and social sharing options.

Styling the Blog Post Page

To style the blog post page, you can use custom CSS to define the layout, typography, and other visual elements for the individual blog posts.

.blog-header {  /* Define styles for the blog header section */}.blog-image {  /* Style the blog post image */}.blog-details {  /* Define styles for the blog details section */}.blog-content {  /* Style the blog post content */}

By customizing the styles for the blog post page, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing layout for your blog posts.


In this tutorial, we've walked through the process of creating a blog using the Webflow CMS. By utilizing CMS collections, you can efficiently manage and display dynamic content on your website. With the flexibility and customization options available in Webflow, you can design and style your blog to suit your specific needs and preferences.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced web designer, Webflow provides the tools and features to build and manage professional blogs with ease. With its visual interface and powerful CMS capabilities, Webflow empowers you to create engaging and customizable blogs for your website.