Enhance Your Webflow Design with Unique Dynamic List Classes | Tutorial

Published on
May 4, 2020

How to Add Unique Classes to the Dynamic List in Webflow

If you are looking to enhance your website's design in Webflow by adding unique classes to dynamic lists, the F'in Sweet CMS Library can be a handy tool. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of utilizing the F'in Sweet CMS Library to add classes to items within a dynamic list in Webflow, resulting in a visually appealing "flip section" layout.

Introduction to F'in Sweet CMS Library for Webflow

The F'in Sweet CMS Library is a powerful tool that enables users to apply custom classes and styles to dynamic content in Webflow. By integrating this library, you can extend the capabilities of your Webflow CMS and create dynamic and interactive designs without the need for extensive custom coding.

In this tutorial, we will focus on the specific aspect of adding unique classes to items within a dynamic list, resulting in a visually appealing flip section layout.

Establishing the Foundation

To begin adding unique classes to items within a dynamic list, it's essential to have a thorough understanding of the foundational elements. We'll start by setting up a normal collection list, which will showcase a series of projects pulled from the Webflow CMS. The collection list should be styled using a class, for example, "collection-list", which will be referenced in the subsequent steps.

Defining the Objective

The goal is to achieve a left-right section flip layout within the dynamic list. This involves adding an additional class, let's call it "reverse-flex", to alternate items within the collection list. By visualizing the desired static structure, where every other item in the list appears with the "reverse-flex" class, we can proceed with implementing this functionality using the F'in Sweet CMS Library.

Using Custom Code to Add Classes

Custom coding is utilized to implement this functionality. To begin, we need to incorporate the F'in Sweet CMS Library script into the website. This script will enable us to interact with the dynamic content and add custom classes to specific elements within the dynamic list.

Below is an example of the custom code that can be used to achieve this functionality:

// Insert F'in Sweet CMS Library Script// Create a new instance of the library// Define the targeted collection list// Create an array of classes to be added// Define the target element for adding the classes// Run the add classes component on the instance

Let's break down the code for a clearer understanding of each step:

Inserting the Library Script

Before the closing body tag, the F'in Sweet CMS Library script needs to be inserted. This script will allow us to manipulate the dynamic content on the page.

Creating a New Instance

We create a new instance of the F'in Sweet CMS Library and target the collection list within our Webflow project. This instance is stored in a variable for later use.

Defining the Class Array

A new array, named "flip-section", is created to store the classes that we want to add to our dynamic list. In this case, the "reverse-flex" class is added to achieve the flip section layout.

Specifying the Target Element

The target element for adding the additional classes is specified. This element, in our case, refers to the items within the collection list that we want to manipulate.

Running the Add Classes Component

Finally, the "add classes" component of the F'in Sweet CMS Library is executed on the targeted instance, applying the defined classes as per the specified frequency and start parameters.

With this custom code in place, the dynamic list within the Webflow project will now incorporate the "reverse-flex" class to achieve the desired flip section layout.

Understanding Frequency and Start Parameters

The "frequency" and "start" parameters play a crucial role in determining how the classes are added to the dynamic list. Here's a brief explanation of these parameters:

Frequency Parameter

The "frequency" parameter specifies how often the class is added to the items in the dynamic list. For instance, a frequency of 2 would add the class to every other item in the list.

Start Parameter

On the other hand, the "start" parameter indicates at which position the addition of the class begins. By setting the "start" parameter to 2, for example, the class addition would commence from the second item in the list.

By understanding and utilizing these parameters effectively, you can create intricate and visually engaging layouts within your dynamic lists in Webflow.

Testing and Implementing the Custom Code

Once the custom code has been integrated into your Webflow project, it's essential to thoroughly test and review its functionality. Ensure that the dynamic list exhibits the desired flip section layout, with the "reverse-flex" class being added to the designated items as per the specified parameters.

By incorporating the F'in Sweet CMS Library and leveraging its "add classes" functionality, you can transform the appearance and behavior of your dynamic content in Webflow, giving you greater control over the design and layout aspects.


The ability to add unique classes to items within a dynamic list enhances the visual appeal and interactivity of your website, especially when working with content from the Webflow CMS. The F'in Sweet CMS Library provides a convenient and powerful method for accomplishing this, allowing you to create dynamic and engaging layouts without the need for extensive custom coding.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and understanding the key concepts such as class arrays, targeting elements, and utilizing the "add classes" component with specific parameters, you can effectively enhance your Webflow projects with visually captivating flip section layouts and other custom-designed dynamic content.