The Importance of Alt Text in Web Design: Accessibility and SEO Strategy

Published on
May 25, 2021

Understanding the Importance of Alt Text in Web Design

Alt text, or alternative text, plays a crucial role in web design and development. It is used to describe the content of an image and is particularly important for making web content accessible to individuals with visual impairments. In addition to its accessibility benefits, alt text also serves a critical role in search engine optimization. In this article, we will cover the various ways alt text is used, explore examples from popular websites, and demonstrate how to set alt text on images and in the Webflow Content Management System (CMS).

Understanding Alt Text and its Importance

Alt text is used by screen readers to make web content more accessible to individuals who are blind or have visual impairments. It also benefits users with sensory processing or learning disabilities. When an image fails to load, the alt text provides a description in the browser viewport, ensuring that users understand the missing content.

From a search engine optimization perspective, thorough alt text descriptions enhance the interpretation of image content by search engines, contributing to better indexing and visibility of web content. While it's essential to provide alt text for most images, there are cases where decorative images, which add little or no relevant meaning to the content, may not require detailed descriptions.

Examples of Effective Alt Text Usage

To grasp the significance of alt text, let's examine how some prominent websites implement it effectively.

The New York Times

The New York Times uses descriptive alt text to provide context for images. For instance, a long exposure image showing SpaceX Starlink satellites over Florence, Kansas is accompanied by alt text that accurately describes the content of the image.


Apple provides descriptive alt text for product images, such as the Airtags, including details about the product and its personalized features.


Slack employs alt text that strikes a balance between conveying enough information about abstract illustrations and avoiding the need to list every product or logo in the artwork.

These examples underscore the importance of crafting alt text that accurately represents the content of the image, ensuring accessibility and meaningful interpretation for all users.

Setting Alt Text in Webflow

Now, let’s delve into how alt text can be set in Webflow, a popular web design platform.

Setting Alt Text in the Webflow Designer

In the Webflow Designer, the most efficient way to set alt text is by defining it for the image asset in the Assets panel. By doing so, any instance of that image will inherit the predefined alt text, saving time and ensuring consistency across the site.

If there is a need to override the default alt text for a specific instance, it can be done by modifying the alt text setting for that particular image element using the cog icon. However, this change will only apply to that specific instance, while the original alt text from the Assets panel will be used for other instances of the same image.

Additionally, when working with image elements, the alt text can be accessed and modified from the Element settings panel.

Alt Text in Rich Text

Within rich text elements, alt text for images can be set by navigating to the image settings and specifying the alternative text. This ensures that even dynamic content with images within rich text is accessible to all users.

Managing Alt Text in the Webflow CMS

In the context of the Webflow Content Management System (CMS), it’s important to ensure that alt text is provided for images associated with CMS items, such as blog posts.

Single Image Fields in CMS

For meaningful images within CMS items, a separate text field can be added to capture the alt text for each image. This allows for clean, descriptive text to be associated with the images that enhances the accessibility and understanding of the content.

Once the alt text field is added, it can be linked to the image elements in the Designer, ensuring that each image within the CMS items has appropriate alt text associated with it.

Multi-Image Fields in CMS

In cases where multiple images are associated with a single CMS item, it's important to add alt text for each image within the multi-image field. This ensures that every image within the field is accessible and conveys meaningful information to users, including those using screen readers.

By linking alt text to individual images within multi-image fields, the accessibility and inclusivity of the web content are significantly enhanced.


Alt text is an essential component of web accessibility and search engine optimization. By providing accurate and descriptive alt text for images, web designers and developers can ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, have equal access to the content. In Webflow, setting alt text can be done at various levels, from individual images to dynamic content within CMS items, ensuring that web content is not only visually engaging but also inclusive and accessible to a diverse audience. For further guidance on this topic and additional web design insights, Webflow University provides comprehensive resources for designers and developers. As the web continues to evolve, considering the impact of alt text and accessibility in the design and development process will remain paramount for creating a more inclusive and user-friendly online experience.