Create Press and Hold and Click and Drag Interactions in Webflow | Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
November 27, 2020

How to Create Press and Hold and Click and Drag Interactions in Webflow

Webflow is a powerful tool for creating websites with advanced interactions without needing to write code. In this article, we'll cover how to create two interactive features - press and hold to enter a site and click and drag to enter a site using Webflow.

Press and Hold to Enter a Site

1. Add Custom Code

First, add custom code from the Patreon page into the closing body tag section. This code will provide the functionality for the press and hold interaction.

2. Create the Interface

Inside the section of your Webflow project, drag in a div and give it a specific class, such as "tricks-press". This div will serve as the element where the press and hold interaction will be initiated. Style it as a circle or customize it to your preference.

3. Add Lottie Animation

Consider adding a Lottie animation to the "tricks-press" div. Drag in a Lottie animation element and style it within the div. This could be a loading animation or custom animation to enhance the interaction.

4. Add Instructional Text

To guide the user, include a text element, such as a heading or paragraph, that informs the user to “hold to enter”. This provides clarity on what action is required for the interaction.

Drag in a link block, and set the URL to "tricks-url". This link block will specify the URL of the website the user will be taken to upon completing the interaction. Set its display to "none" to ensure it doesn't affect the layout.

6. Set the Time Delay

Add a paragraph text element with a class of "tricks-number". This paragraph will represent the time delay in milliseconds that the user needs to hold down the element before being taken to the new website (e.g., 1000 milliseconds equals 1 second).

7. Define Interactions

Using Webflow's Interaction panel, set up interactions for the "tricks-number" element. The press and hold interaction will have a start interaction, where the Lottie animation plays, and the element scales up. Another interaction will reset the elements to their initial state when the user releases the click or tap before the countdown ends.

8. Testing the Interaction

Once set up, preview the interaction within Webflow. For the full experience, publish the site and test it live, as the press and hold interaction involves JavaScript functionality.

Click and Drag to Enter a Site

Similar to the press and hold interaction, set up a link block with the URL set to "tricks-url". This link block specifies the destination URL of the new website.

2. Create the Interface

Within your Webflow project, set up a div with the class "tricks-contain" to contain the click and drag UI. Inside this container, add a div with the class "tricks-drag".

3. Custom Styling

Style the "tricks-drag" div as needed, applying a background image or other visual elements. Include a trigger element, such as a circle or button, within the "tricks-drag" div to initiate the interaction when dragged.

4. Interaction Setup

Set up interactions for the "tricks-drag" div using Webflow's "mouse move over element" trigger to move the circle down while the mouse moves. Incorporate a while mouse moves over element interaction to control the movement of the Lottie animation in the background, simulating the click and drag action.

5. Final Touches

Set additional triggers, such as changing the background color or scaling up the circle, to provide visual feedback as the user interacts with the element.

6. Mobile Considerations

Note that the click and drag interaction may need alteration for mobile devices, as it relies on mouse movements. Provide an alternative interaction for mobile users, such as reverting to the press and hold interaction.

Testing and Publishing

Once set up, publish the site and test the interaction live to ensure it functions as intended.

Final Thoughts

Webflow provides a visually intuitive way to create complex website interactions without the need for coding. By applying these step-by-step instructions, you can implement press and hold to enter and click and drag to enter interactions seamlessly in your Webflow project. These interactive features can enhance user engagement and create unique user experiences on your website.

In conclusion, Webflow's robust features empower designers and developers to bring their creative visions to life, enabling the creation of interactive and engaging websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced web designer, Webflow offers a versatile platform for building modern and interactive websites with ease.