Optimizing Website User Experience: Webflow CMS Item Filtering Guide

Published on
May 13, 2019

Building CMS Item Filtering Parameters with Webflow

Webflow offers a powerful CMS (Content Management System) that allows users to create and manage dynamic content on their websites without writing a single line of code. One of the many functionalities of Webflow's CMS is the ability to customize item filtering parameters, which can significantly enhance the user experience of a website.

In this tutorial, we will dive into the process of customizing CMS item filtering parameters using Webflow's CMS text fields. You will learn how to create filterable tags, connect them to your CMS, and utilize the Isotope library for seamless filtering functionality.

Setting Up the CMS

Accessing the CMS

First, log in to your Webflow account and navigate to the project where you want to implement the CMS item filtering parameters.

Creating a Collection

  1. Go to the Collections tab in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on the Create Collection button.
  3. Name your collection (e.g., "Projects").
  4. Add the necessary fields for your collection items. These fields will serve as the basis for your filtering parameters.

Populating the Collection

  1. Under the newly created collection, add your projects with the corresponding details in the defined fields. Some fields can have partial or complete information based on your requirements.

Utilizing Text Fields for Filtering Parameters

Within your collection, you can use text fields to assign tags or categories to your projects for filtering purposes. For example, you may have tags such as "web design," "branding," or "custom functionality." These text fields will serve as the basis for filtering your projects based on their categories.

Implementing the Filter Grid

Designing the Filter Grid

  1. Navigate to the designer view of your Webflow project.
  2. Place a CMS grid and a filter bar on the page where you want the filtering functionality to be available.

Linking CMS Fields to the Filter Grid

  1. In the CMS, ensure that the text fields you want to use for filtering parameters are appropriately filled out for each project.
  2. These text fields will essentially act as classes that can be added or removed from the page for filtering purposes.

Customizing the Filter Bar

Adding Filter Buttons

  1. In the designer view, set up filter buttons within the filter bar. These buttons will be used to trigger the filtering of the CMS grid based on the specified parameters.
  2. Assign a common class, such as "hak5 filter button," to all the filter buttons.

Adding Data Attributes

  1. To differentiate between the filter buttons, add data attributes to each button. For example, you can use the data attribute "data-filter" with values corresponding to the classes assigned in the CMS text fields.

Customizing the Filter Grid

Applying Classes to Elements

  1. In the collection list, apply a class, such as "hak5 filter grid," to the CMS grid. This will be the element that is being filtered.
  2. Apply a class of "hak5 filter item" to the filter items within the grid.
  3. Inside each item in the grid, add a class called "filter switches" to hold all the potential classes that will be added to the filter items.

Integrating Isotope for Filtering Functionality

Initializing Isotope

  1. It's essential to include the Isotope library. Place the required script to include the Isotope library just before the closing body tag to enable filtering of the grid on the page.
  2. Initialize Isotope on the filter grid, specifying the children to be filtered within the grid.

Implementing Filtering Functionality

  1. On the click of each filter button, use JavaScript to grab the data filter value and pass it to Isotope to trigger the filtering process based on the selected parameters.

Enhancing User Experience

Scrolling to Filtered Results

  1. To improve the user experience, you can add functionality to scroll to the top of the page or a specific element when a filter button is clicked. This ensures that the filtered results are immediately visible to the user.


By customizing CMS item filtering parameters with Webflow, you can create a dynamic and user-friendly website that allows visitors to easily browse and find content based on specific categories or tags. The combination of Webflow's CMS functionality and the Isotope library provides a seamless and visually appealing filtering experience for your website users.

Don't hesitate to experiment with different filtering parameters and design variations to find the best fit for your website's content and layout. Webflow's flexibility and intuitive interface make it easy to create and customize CMS filtering parameters without needing to dive into complex code.

In summary, Webflow's CMS empowers users to build, manage, and enhance dynamic content on their websites, providing a seamless experience for both content creators and website visitors. With the implementation of CMS item filtering parameters, you can take your website's usability and interactivity to the next level.

If you're ready to take the next step in your Webflow journey, consider cloning our example project to explore and apply the concepts discussed in this tutorial to your live site. Additionally, stay updated on new hacks and features by subscribing to our YouTube channel and signing up for email notifications on the latest releases.

Start leveraging Webflow's CMS capabilities today to create engaging and intuitive websites that provide a delightful user experience for all visitors.