Enhance User Experience by Detecting and Catering to Mobile OS in Webflow | Tutorial

Published on
October 28, 2019

How to Detect the User's Mobile Operating System and Run a Different Function Based on Their OS in Webflow

If you want to enhance the user experience of your website by catering to different mobile operating systems, this Webflow tutorial will guide you through the process of detecting the user's mobile operating system and then running a specific function based on their OS. By doing so, you can provide a tailored experience for iOS users, Android users, and even desktop users with smaller screens. This tutorial will demonstrate how to create dynamic messaging or functionality based on the user's mobile OS, and it doesn't require any coding knowledge.

Getting Started with Mobile OS Detection in Webflow

To begin, we're going to utilize Webflow's built-in class and interaction features to achieve the desired functionality. You can follow along with this tutorial using any Webflow project you have access to.

Step 1: Creating Different Text Messages

Start by creating distinct text messages or elements that will be displayed based on the user's mobile OS or screen size. For example, you might want to display "You're on iOS" for iOS users, "You're on Android" for Android users, and a message for desktop users with smaller screens. You can add these messages to your Webflow project's page.

Step 2: Adding Classes for Targeting

Once your text messages are in place, assign base classes to them, such as "ios-message," "android-message," and "desktop-message." Additionally, add an extra custom class to each element for individual targeting through JavaScript interactions. This will allow you to differentiate and interact with each specific message.

Step 3: Inserting Custom Code

Now, it's time to incorporate custom code into your Webflow project. Go to the page settings in the Webflow Designer and navigate to the Custom Code section within the head of the page. Here, you will insert the JavaScript code that detects the user's mobile OS and triggers the corresponding functionality.

JavaScript Function for Mobile OS Detection

The JavaScript function we're about to implement will handle the detection of the user's mobile OS and determine the actions to be taken based on the detected OS.

Step 1: Inserting the JavaScript Function

Before the closing body tag in the Custom Code section, include the JavaScript function that checks for the user's mobile OS and screen size. This function contains an important if statement that distinguishes between mobile and desktop users based on the screen size.

Step 2: Defining the Mobile OS Detection Logic

Within the JavaScript function, we define a regular expression to detect the user's browser by examining the user agent string. By creating a function called testBrowser, we initiate the process of identifying the user's browser and mobile OS.

Step 3: Implementing Condition Checks

The testBrowser function applies condition checks to determine the user's mobile OS. It checks for specific strings such as "Android," "iPhone," "iPad," and "iPod" to identify the mobile OS. Additionally, it includes a check for Chrome to cater to desktop users with smaller screens.

Step 4: Running Different Functions Based on OS

After identifying the user's mobile OS, the JavaScript function triggers specific actions based on the detected OS. For instance, if the user is on Android, the corresponding code snippet is executed to display the Android message. Similarly, for iOS and Chrome users, distinct actions are performed to showcase the relevant messages or functionalities.

Step 5: Customizing Message Display

Depending on the user's mobile OS, you can tailor the displayed messages or functionality. For example, you can showcase download buttons for the respective app stores, special notifications, or any desired custom content specific to each mobile OS.

Finalizing the Implementation

Upon completing the JavaScript function and setting up the logic for mobile OS detection, you can preview the changes in the Webflow Designer. Test the functionality by resizing your browser or using different devices to see how the messages dynamically adjust based on the user's mobile OS or screen size.


By leveraging Webflow's features and incorporating JavaScript for mobile OS detection, you can personalize the user experience based on the visitor's mobile operating system. This approach allows you to seamlessly provide tailored messaging, functionalities, and interactions for iOS, Android, and desktop users with smaller screens, leading to a more engaging and user-friendly website experience. As you continue refining your Webflow projects, exploring the possibilities of dynamic content based on user attributes can significantly enhance the overall user engagement and satisfaction.

For further explorations and to stay updated with new Webflow hacks and tutorials, you can subscribe to the Webflow YouTube channel and access the full "Hacks Project" available for cloning within Webflow. Additionally, for hack requests or further inquiries, you can visit the Finn Sweet website and explore the available resources for expanding your Webflow skills and capabilities.