5 No-Code Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier Marketplaces: Complete Review

Published on
December 20, 2021

5 Marketplaces Created with Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier: A Complete Review

In this article, we will do a comprehensive review of five online marketplaces that were created using the Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier stack. Each marketplace serves a unique purpose and was built by individuals who have been inspired by tutorials to turn their ideas into operational businesses.


The idea of creating an online marketplace can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. However, with the right tools and guidance, it can become a very achievable and rewarding endeavor. The following examples will inspire you and demonstrate what can be achieved starting from scratch using no-code tools.

Let’s dive into the detailed review of each marketplace to showcase the potential and practicality of using Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier in building successful online marketplaces.

Chive: Supporting Local Charities in New Zealand

Chive is an online marketplace that simplifies the process of finding and supporting local charities in New Zealand. With over 27,000 charities in New Zealand alone, it can be challenging for grassroots charities to stand out and attract new donors due to limited marketing budgets.

Through the Chive marketplace, founded by Alice and Steven, users can easily filter charities based on the causes they support. For example, if a user wants to find charities supporting environmental causes, they can filter and explore relevant options. Each charity has its own page showcasing its mission, vision, impact, and history, providing transparency and accessibility to potential supporters.

Chive incorporates the Donorbox integration to allow seamless donations to charities, making it a game-changer for those without the resources to collect donations through their own websites. Additionally, Chive offers the option to contribute to a specific cause, such as health and well-being, with the funds distributed to relevant charities in that category.

This marketplace demonstrates the power of no-code tools in making a positive impact within a community and leveraging technology to support local charitable endeavors.

Reviews: Simplifying Local Service Provider Hiring in Zambia

Reviews is an online marketplace designed to help people in Lusaka, Zambia, find and hire local service providers such as mechanics, builders, and carpenters. Founded by Michelle, an accountant in Zambia, the marketplace addresses the challenges of finding reliable service providers in the region.

The traditional method of sourcing service providers through Facebook groups often leads to misrepresentations, resulting in wasted time and money. Reviews solves this issue by curating a list of verified service providers with feedback and testimonials, ensuring the quality and reliability of the services offered.

What's remarkable about Reviews is Michelle's strategic approach to building the customer base. She created an e-book outlining the step-by-step process of building a house in Lusaka, leveraging it as a lead generation tool while sourcing service providers for the marketplace. This demonstrates how content creation can be used to attract potential users and providers, even before the marketplace is fully established.

Mookie: Easy Daycare Center Discovery in Christchurch, New Zealand

Mookie, founded by Hamish, is a directory designed to simplify the search for daycare centers in Christchurch, New Zealand. The marketplace addresses the challenge of finding up-to-date and comprehensive information about daycare centers, offering a curated list of daycare facilities with relevant details, including a map integrated feature for intuitive exploration of nearby options.

Utilizing the Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier stack, Mookie provides a platform for parents to conduct research and find the best fit for their children’s needs. Additionally, Mookie serves as a lead generation marketplace, facilitating connections between parents seeking daycare services and the daycare centers themselves. This marketplace exemplifies the efficiency and value that marketplaces provide in consolidating and presenting critical information in a user-friendly manner.

Neighborhoods: Real Estate Insight in Wellington, New Zealand

Neighborhoods, initiated by Alex, caters to individuals researching different suburbs in Wellington, New Zealand, before buying or renting houses. The marketplace offers insights into various aspects of neighborhoods, such as school information, dining options, and connections to real estate agents familiar with specific areas.

Alex's background in digital marketing enabled him to recognize the need for a centralized resource for individuals researching residential areas. Through Neighborhoods, he not only provides valuable information for potential home buyers but also generates leads for real estate agents, leveraging the content to foster connections between potential buyers and agents.

What makes Neighborhoods stand out is its local touch—a curated directory by someone residing in the area. The integration of member stack and jet boost enhances the user experience by managing user accounts and providing dynamic filtering. This marketplace exemplifies the potential of leveraging local expertise to create valuable resources for community members.

Touch Base: Connecting with Influencers and Content Creators

Touch Base, founded by Sue from New York, is a transactional marketplace facilitating connections between users and their favorite influencers and content creators. The marketplace allows users to schedule one-on-one conversations with influencers of their choice for various durations, with a seamless integration of scheduling and payment processes through the Calendly integration.

Touch Base showcases a well-executed transactional marketplace, setting it apart from the traditional lead generation marketplaces. The strategic approach of rolling out content creators gradually demonstrates how niche-focused platforms can build traction incrementally and add value to both users and content creators. This marketplace illustrates the potential of no-code tools in creating unique, transactional platforms that seamlessly connect individuals with influencers.


In conclusion, these five online marketplaces created with the Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier stack serve as inspiring examples of what can be accomplished when leveraging no-code tools. Each marketplace addresses a specific need within its community and demonstrates the potential for impact and growth through strategic planning and the use of user-friendly interfaces.

The success stories of Chive, Reviews, Mookie, Neighborhoods, and Touch Base highlight the accessibility and versatility of no-code tools in creating functional and impactful online marketplaces. Aspiring entrepreneurs and creators can draw inspiration from these examples, recognizing the potential to turn their ideas into thriving businesses using the power of no-code development.

If you are inspired to venture into building your online marketplace using no-code tools, consider exploring the Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier stack. These tools provide the framework for transforming your vision into a fully operational and user-friendly online marketplace, as demonstrated by the diverse success stories mentioned above.

In conclusion, these five online marketplaces showcase the power and potential of utilizing no-code tools to turn entrepreneurial ideas into impactful, operational businesses. The examples of Chive, Reviews, Mookie, Neighborhoods, and Touch Base demonstrate the accessibility and versatility of no-code tools in creating functional and impactful online marketplaces. Aspiring entrepreneurs and creators can draw inspiration from these success stories, recognizing the potential to turn their visions into thriving businesses through the power of no-code development.

If you are inspired to start your online marketplace using no-code tools, consider exploring the Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier stack. These tools provide the framework for transforming your vision into a fully operational and user-friendly online marketplace, as demonstrated by the diverse success stories mentioned above.

So, start exploring the possibilities with Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality!